
Well Known Member
I'm in the market for a chute. I'm wondering what other -8/-8A owners have selected. One shop I looked at says that they have a seat pack especially built for the -8. They also have a back pack for planes like the RV-4 "...where headroom is at a minimum and the backrest is at a straight upright angle with the seat bottom"

Looking at the cutaways on the Van's web page I can't see much difference between the -4 and -8 seats.

I sit on a very thick cushion in my -8. I have some head room. I'm guessing that the back cushion on my seat is an inch or so thick. So were I to get a 3" thick back pack, and remove the back cushion I'll still be moved forward 1-2". That may actually be beneficial.

Still, I could remove the seat cushion and be pretty much the same height as I am now.

So what do -8/8A drivers wear? Seat or back?

Are there any other issues to be concerned with that I haven't written about here?

Skydiver/pilot/parachute rigger here with some free advice...

If given the option, always choose the Back Type emergency chute. Reasons:

Cleaner deployment. (should you ever need to use it)
Better resale. (not as cockpit specific)
Does not require a Rigger with an added Type Rating (Seat) to repack it.

And possibly most important...

The Cool factor. (you'll look cool walking across the ramp with a back type on. _Nobody_ looks cool with a seat pack slapping against their butt):D

The only reason to choose a seat pack, is when the cockpit size/dimensions demand it.
Skydiver/pilot/parachute rigger here with some free advice...

If given the option, always choose the Back Type emergency chute. Reasons:

Cleaner deployment. (should you ever need to use it)
Better resale. (not as cockpit specific)
Does not require a Rigger with an added Type Rating (Seat) to repack it.

And possibly most important...

The Cool factor. (you'll look cool walking across the ramp with a back type on. _Nobody_ looks cool with a seat pack slapping against their butt):D

The only reason to choose a seat pack, is when the cockpit size/dimensions demand it.


Cleaner deployment is a big point to me.

I would recommend that you personally try on several chutes and then get in your bird as the fit will depend greatly on your size. I worked with Strong Parachutes on my rigs and went back and forth on seat/back models for my -8A before finding the perfect rig for me. That being said I'm 6'1" and 200 lbs. I use a Strong Para-Cushion 305 Cross Country XC with the Aerobatic Harness and Sheepskin options. I never fly without it, it fits that well and is very comfortable. I have a Strong Para-Cushion 311 for my GIB and will remove the rear seat back so it fit's perfectly. I think it's important to have a rig that you want to wear, else you'll never wear it. Good luck!

Skydiver/pilot/parachute rigger here with some free advice...

If given the option, always choose the Back Type emergency chute. Reasons:

Cleaner deployment. (should you ever need to use it)
Better resale. (not as cockpit specific)
Does not require a Rigger with an added Type Rating (Seat) to repack it.

And possibly most important...

The Cool factor. (you'll look cool walking across the ramp with a back type on. _Nobody_ looks cool with a seat pack slapping against their butt):D

The only reason to choose a seat pack, is when the cockpit size/dimensions demand it.

Great advice; thanks!
I have flow my -8 with both and prefer the back pack (Softie). It puts me a bit closer the the panel but I got used to the new position rather quickly. I never got used to the rock hard seat of the seat pack, even with a one inch cushion on top. I'm 6 foot, 185 pounds.

I have used both and prefer the backpack for two reasons.

First, I found that removing the seat cushion (threading the crotch strap) was a bit of a hassle. If I was going up for just a quick flight I would think "just a short hop, not worth the effort of removing the cushion". A Shute in the cabinet is useless!

Second, I lost thigh support and found it uncomfortable to fly. Could have made cushions to provide the support but would be one more thing to do before a flight with the chute.

Now, I simple take out the back cushion, no straps,to mess with, and go. I sit slightly forward of my no chute position but after many hours, really don't notice the difference.

Scott A Jordan
I hope you are right, I just ordered a back pack from Softie last week.
I flew to Arlington WA in the -8 (50 miles), and tried one on with the Oregon Aero seat back pad removed. It felt pretty much like you just said.
I'm wondering about seat belts. I have the stock VAN's belts.
Where does one attach ratchet belts? the thru seat design of the originals does not look like a good arrangement for a competition harness?
If you get a back pack, try to get one "narrow" enough to fit in the very narrow backrest of an 8. Mine is too wide, (horizontally) ie, it hits the vertical ridges on either end of the backrest, and pushes me even farther forward. Because of this, I've had to slide on rubber bumper thingy's on those ridges to protect the parachute from scuffing. This is not uncomfortable at all---I just push my rudder pedals one click forward. What "is" concerning is worrying about leaving my knee caps behind in an actual bail out. They go under the instrument panel.:eek:
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Form fit

I don't remember the manufacturer of my chute (think it is a Softie) but it is "form fitted" for the RV back rest. It also has a bit of "wedge", thicker at the bottom.

I have a standard Hooker harness, works great. If you want a ratchet system or a double belt (required above Sportsman competition) some modifications would be needed.

Scott A Jordan
Well I'm going to try the 15" wide (that's the narrow one) mini-Softie. If I take the back cushion out I don't think it will shove me too far forward in the 'pit. Maybe an inch.

Thanks for all the comments. They were very useful.

I'll let you know how it goes. I ordered a chute with capewells so it will take a few weeks to arrive as it's a special order.