Well Known Member
In planning my upholstery I started looking for a source for that special seat foam developed for the US Space program. :rolleyes: It seemed like pretty expensive stuff compared to the standard foam used in most car and boat seats. :eek: Well, while searching the Web I found a little foam shop run by Jim & Janice Fix from Lincoln, Nebraska. By the way the phone was answered and the extremely fast service I received it sounded like a Mom & Pop operation. The three grades of Conforfoam they sent in the RV kit is the weirdest foam I've ever seen. You have to touch it to believe it. :p Didn't know if anyone else had found this place and thought I'd pass along there site address. Their prices are the lowest I've found for this product and worth a look see for those of you tackling your own upholstery. This foam is said to provide extra protection in the event of a off airport landing. ;) Their at www.seatfoam.com
Tom Norwood N822PM (res)
RV-6A TMX 0-360 FP
in progress
I live near Lincoln and these people are great to work with........they go to Oshkosh every year and sell their foam there. they have made several custom BOOSTER seats for kids in the rear seats! Pass the word on ........always good to keep fine people like this in business!

Dean 40449
Conforfoam is a product of EAR Specialties. You may purchase it from them in large quantities, or you can obtain it from McMaster-Carr. I used it in my seats and it's wonderful; never any pressure points in 5 or 6 hour flights. I have the softest three 1/2" plies behind my back, all four available density foams under my legs, and five under my butt.
Doing the math on the McMaster costs for sheets, its probably still cheaper to get it from HI-Tech Foams (www.seatfoam.com)... The 18x20 sheets from McMaster are $33 each... You'd need 2 or 3 layers (this is 1" foam) per seat back and bottom (depending on size). That's 5 sheets per seat at 33 each for approx $150 a seat. $300 for a pair.... The kit from Seatfoams for my airplane was $245 at OSH this past year.

But if looking to customize what you have, the McMaster route might be cheaper.
Has anyone actually bought one of their aviation kits? What was the fit like, did they give enough material?


RudiGreyling said:
Has anyone actually bought one of their aviation kits? What was the fit like, did they give enough material?

I just received a set for my RV6 and it included the following:
two 1"x16"X18" Soft (pink)
two 1"X16"X18" Medium (blue)
two 1"X16"X18" Firm (green)
two 1"X18"X24" Medium (blue)
This RV6 Package also included typical seat construction suggestions on how to build your seat foundation. Nothing is pre-cut or glued together like the kit offered by Van's so your not locked into any special designs. The price for my kit was $144.00
RV-6A N822PM (res)
Hmmm, and how do they recommend construction? It looks like you might be missing a couple of pieces?

The 2 Greens are the bottoms of the lower sections correct, then the 18" blues go on top of that followed by the 18" pinks. That's 6 pieces a Green, blue, pink (all in 18" long) for each side?

Then, they only gave you 2 24" long blue sections for the uprights? And are they really 1" thick.

The reason that I ask...

The legacy kit from Seatfoam is
2 - 16x18 greens
2 - 18x48 blues
2 - 18x48 pinks

The sandwich is a green on the bottom areas centered over the max weight, followed by a blue and pink... Obviously, you'd need to cut those in half or whereever needed to create a bottom and a back, but it would give a total of a
green, blue, pink on the bottom and a blue, pink on the back... With plenty of material to make that happen. Mind, you the kit for the Legacy is also $245

Just curious how they want you to build your seats... My experience in a RV is limited, but I remember that the bottoms and backs weren't all that short?
Hi-Tech's recommendation

aadamson said:
Hmmm, and how do they recommend construction? It looks like you might be missing a couple of pieces?

Hi-Tech Shows the bottom cushions using the 16"X18" pieces with the firm being on the bottom, then medium and finally the soft on the top.
The seat-backs use the two 18"X24" Medium pieces. They do suggest using extra Styrofoam on the seat back behind the medium layer and under the bottom cushion. I would think you would also have to use some extra Styrofoam around the edges that you could trim to shape the seats.
These seats would definitely fall into the "Slow Build" category.
RV-6A N822PM (res)
Note, SeatFoam also has cut pieces they will sell you for the bolsters on the bottom and the back sides... Just ask them.
Cut Pieces

aadamson said:
Note, SeatFoam also has cut pieces they will sell you for the bolsters on the bottom and the back sides... Just ask them.

Thanks Alan :)
I should have thought of that myself. Just sent a request to Hi-Tech for some bolster foam to go along with my kit. That way all the foam will have a FAA fire rating. ;)
I'll let you know how they reply.
RV-6A N822PM (res)
NYTOM said:
Thanks Alan :)
I should have thought of that myself. Just sent a request to Hi-Tech for some bolster foam to go along with my kit. That way all the foam will have a FAA fire rating. ;)
I'll let you know how they reply.
RV-6A N822PM (res)

Thanks, I am also watching this...
Conforfoam bolsters? cut pieces

Not only did I not think of them, Hi-Tech was very diplomatic in informing me in a email today that if I opened my eyes (they didn't really say this but made their point) I would have found a complete description of what's available in bolsters right in the literature that they had already sent me with my foam order.......Oh Well, anyway here's what they have:
1. Seat Wedges Contour ( the same shape as shoe moulding you find on most baseboards, one rounded edge)
Used on seat sides and or top and bottom.
Made of Confor foam CF42 soft with FAR burn spec.
2"X3.5"X20" $12.00 each
2"X3.5"X26" $15.00 each

2. Seat Wedges Angled ( in the shape of a right triangle, sharp edges)
Used the same as above with the same sizes and prices.

3. They also stock TVB which is 1/2" regular polyfoam with cloth backing which is 54" wide. Used as a backing material for the upholstery.
That is sold for $4.75 per linear foot.

They also stock many other grades of foam, some foam laminates, full sheets and also vibration & noise dampening material.
If your interested in any of these just drop them a email and I'm sure they would be happy to send you the product info sheet. They seem to be very nice people. :)
RV-6A N822PM (res)
Hi-Tech Bolsters

For anyone interested, I received my bolsters today from Jim & Janice at Hi-Tech. There made from the pink Conforfoam and just like the rest of the Conforfoam they are really amazing. I kind of made up a little seat from the the components to try it out and the seat just forms to your body shape and is really comfortable. I once flew a Ercoupe with Air-Tex seats from Oshkosh back to upstate NY in a day and I couldn't stand upright for a week. :eek: I can't wait for my first long trip in these seats. :p Hi-Tech's service is very fast. :)
RV-6A N822PM (res)
I don't know if you want a custom solution or if you're willing to do a little fabrication on your own... If you're considering the do-it-yourself method, you might take a look at www.efoamstore.com. I'm planning to order the foam for my Midget Mustang from them. Don't tell them it's going in an airplane! The darned lawyers :D have got them convinced that their cushions will burst into flames if used in an aircraft!

Best regards,

Rod Woodard
Loveland, Colorado (KFNL)
Hi Tech Foams - Confor Foam - very nice stuff!!!

I realize this post fizzled out a few weeks ago but after reading the various positive comments I ordered Hi Tech Foam's recommended three layers for my RV project. Pink, blue and green. The foam assortment arrived this morning so I put the three different density seat layers on a crate and sat down at my desk to continue with my work day as usual. I am quite surprised and pleased about it. As the description says, it slowly sinks in and conforms to your body but doesn't bottom out. It even forms around my wallet. Hi highly recommend Confor Foam. I fugured the seat foam might as well be the best I can get if I'm going through the effort to roll my own. Thanks very much to the assorted posting participants. One more item off my "need to purchase" list.


Brian Vickers, Bainbridge Island, WA
Finishing RV4
Another endorsement for HiTech Foams. I purchased two 1" medium foam squares that I fit under the not very supportive (that's being kind) foam in our CT. Very good stuff, quick shipping, included samples and a catalog of sorts.
Anyone got pics. of the Hi-tech Foam seats completed? I received a E-brochure from them and it looks like you have a lot of cutting and shaping to do on their foam. I looked at the CA seat pics. using the Vans supplied foam and all I can say is UGLY. Maybe they look better in the plane?
I just stopped into their shop. Jim owns a fixed pitch prop repair shop also. A real nice guy. I'm looking to upgrade my seats and the foam system they have seems to be a good bet. I have Cleaveland tool seats now, but not with the foam. Can I reuse the covers? Anyone done this before?
Anyone Finished?

I just got a quote from Jim and Janice and their material and service looks really good.
I realize this thread is a year old but I'm wondering if anyone has completed their seats with this foam and if a picture could be posted? It seems like this is a good deal, and with some work on bolsters, would make very nice seats. Any feed back from completed users would be appreciated.