
Well Known Member
hi all,
i am about to install my seat belts and i am afraid if i do not ask this question my wild guess based on no logic will be wrong and i will redo the mounting.
instructions say to attach strap to buckle to the right of one seat and put it to the left for the other seat to avoid mixing them up when buckling up.
i will fly solo 90% of the time. what's anyone's take or logic for fastening buckle strap to left or right side for the pilot. thanks for any opinions.
You the big get it YOUR way.
That being said, you will lay the inboard pax belt across the pax cushion when not in use. I have buckle on the left, clasp(?) on the right.
As will help your pax get in, not grab/lean on the wrong item, sort out the belts, put on the headset, ?test,test, can you hear me?.
10% of your flights.

?I pay the bills, I get the biggest steak, **** it?
My father.

If you are talking about in a -12, the plans say in-between the seats you attach one male strap (tab) and one female strap (buckle). Your choice. Whatever feels more comfortable. I did it pilot left side buckle, pilot right side tab, passenger left side buckle, passenger right side tab. That seemed the most natural to me.
I think most right-handed people would instinctively prefer to "PULL open" the buckle release lever -- so female on left and male on right. Southpaws are out of luck I guess.
i just installed the seat belts and i did see a logical reason to put the ''male'' lap belt on the passengers left side...........if it needs adjusting the adjustable strap will be right under your nose to give assistance.