
Well Known Member
Hi all,

A couple of Q's please for all you engineering guys out there :-

I am fitting the Vans crotch strap kit for my Hookers and an AN5 bolt is supplied ( which I am aware is too short for the Hookers ) so I sent the following Q to Vans

Question "Why does the 5th point seatbelt require a AN5 bolt when the
others use a AN4 and can there be any slack between the bushings and the
seat belt attachment tang eyes...I am assuming that any slack would be
undesirable in the event of a sudden deceleration where the bolt may then fail

Answer :- Don't know why"

Sooooo my Q's to the Forums are :-

Is movement (other than rotational ) between the belt attachment and anchor point undesirable ?

Why a different bolt type between lap/shoulder strap attachments and crotch strap attachment ?

Still asking

Hi CJ,

Thanks but that still doesn't answer my specfic Q's.....

any engineers out there who could provide some input please

By the way re Q2 by definition would a AN4 bolt be sufficent for the crotch strap
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I think rephrasing your questions for more clarity would help people in answering them.

Q1. I would say that YES, any movement would be a bad thing as it could (and likely would) lead to wear. It is my estimation that the bushing should be tightly pinched between the brackets.

Q2. Not sure, but I dare say the AN-4's are likely to be sufficient.

My 0.02 D

:) CJ