
I'm New Here
some time ago Van, I think, put out a svrl page article on fixed pitched vs constant speed done on identical acft excepting the prop config. If I remember correctly, the upshot was that there was not much to be gained by choosing the constant speed.
I have searched on this site but can't find it, think it may have been a newsletter.
Can someone provide me with a link to this article, thanks...
The article you are looking for appeared in RVator, fifth issue, 2003. It's a three page article written by Van titled "The best **** Prop West of the Pecos". The article does not draw any conclusions, just presents the test results. It should be noted the Sensenich prop was repitched to 90" from the standard 85" and that it was tested at 2730RPM while the other variable pitch props were test at 2500RPM. The result was that the Sensench was the fastest on this particular RV8. However, the article does not address climb performance. Also, I believe Sensenich recommends the prop only be repitched to 87". I've seen this article referred to a few times as an argument if favor or fixed pitch props but what gets lost is that the Sensenich was turning 2730RPM and repitched to 90". Who flys around at 2730RPM? I have the standard Sensenich on my RV7A and exactly meet Vans book numbers at 2700RPM, 8000ft PA but in practice I never cruise over 2500RPM.

Brad Reak