
Well Known Member
Hi all-

I came across a very interesting thread today that had a link to an RV7 parts list in Excel. You can sort and search for any part number.

The plans don't, but you can get a full parts list from Van's (there are some online, I just haven't searched for the RV-9) and put it into an Excel spreadsheet. I did this for the RV-7 and made it public, take a look to see what I mean at

I was so impressed, I starting searching for the same thing for the RV9. I would really like to be able to search a list like this. Thus I have two questions today.

#1 How to format the best search query on VAF...

- I tried [ part list ], [ parts list ], [ "parts list" ], [ 'part list' ].

Is there a way to search for a phrase? It didn't seem to matter when I added the double or single quotes above.

Note: I found this trick for searching Google, which seemed to work best;

[ "Parts List" site: ]

#2 Back to the reason for my post. Does anyone have an Excel version of the parts list for an RV9?
