
I'm New Here
Hello VAF!

My brother and I are based out of Doylestown, PA and are in the finishing stages of building our RV-7. Does anybody know a local DAR that would be able to look at our airplane for the Airworthiness Cert? Please let me know! Thank you!

Don Scarfone out of Bear, DE did mine. I believe he's out of the Harrisburg MIDO, so you should be in his area too. Pretty easy to work with, but his phone number on the EAA DAR list is old and needs to be updated.
His email is [email protected]

We are using Vic Syracuse. We have already met him several times and he has agreed to fly up to us at KPOV. Look up his posts here and read his articles in Kit Planes. I am sure there other very capable DPE?s available. However, with Vic?s RV knowledge and recommendations from others it was a no brainer for us.

His contract information is available on Vans website.

Good luck!!
Welcome to VAF, and Congratulations

Hello VAF!

My brother and I are based out of Doylestown, PA and are in the finishing stages of building our RV-7.


Kyle, welcome aboard, and congrats on seeing the light at the end of the tunnel:D
DAR in Boca Raton (South Florida) area

Can anyone recommend an easy to work with DAR in the South FL area? I'm expecting to complete my RV-12iS in the next few months.