
Well Known Member
I have a website (non-RV related) which pertains to a side business I own. I am wondering about how to best utilize search engines.

For example, I can go to Google and type in al sorts of key words (about my site) and after countless pages of returned information, I still can't find my site!? However, some people obviously have- since I get a lot of orders via the Internet???

What's the trick to this entire scenario? I have multiple keywords (meta tags/words) in my source code already. I have studied all the programs that supposedly 'submit your site info to all the major search engines' but have become more confused by reading about all of them. Is there a trick or two someone can offer? I would be most appreciative!

The site is http://www.muleutv.com (if you want to checkout my source code for more info).


The key is something called 'meta tags', Gary.

Go to www.VansAirForce.net and select 'View Source Code' from your browser's menu.

Use that as a model and add the appropriate wording to your site. You should notice a difference.

BTW, don't go crazy with meta tags, like for example adding the same word over and over. Smart search engines will ignore your site when you do this.

Hope this helps.


update: I went out to the site and copied the text. Here it is....

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="keywords" content="Van's Air Force, World Wide Wing, RV, RVator, Doug Reeves, Experimental, Kitplane">
<meta name="Author" content="Doug Reeves">
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Search engines

Gary, Search engines work on text. That's really all they have to go on. Your home page does not have hardly any text at all.

I would add a lot more descriptive information about your product, in regular sentences, not slang or lingo.

If I understand your site, you are selling the top to this vehicle, right? I'd have a lot of places on your home page which say "Hard Tops for Kawabungi 3010" "FAQs about Hard Tops for Kawa...." "How to purchase the Hard Top for a kawa..." "Amazing photos of Hard Tops for Kawa..." ... you get the idea.

I would also fix the TITLE tag on your pages to make sure they have some descriptive text.

Simple sites with lots of pictures are great for humans, but not good for search engines.

Another thing I would recommend, is to try to get your URL out onto other sites. The more other sites that link to your site, with a very descriptive link, the better. This can be tricky. In the RV world, various builders link to other builders, so that helps. Not sure if you have the same thing in the business ecosphere where you are selling your products.

There are lots of other things you can do, but this will help a lot, I'm sure. Let me know if I can provide other hints.

Best of luck!
From what I've noticed, search engines look at the following, roughly in this order:
1. The URL
2. The title
3. Link words (when other people link to your web page)
4. The text on the page
5. The metatags

One thing I've found useful is to install a good program for crunching web site statistics, like AWStats. It will tell you what keywords people are searching on to reach your site.

Thanks for the replies!

Thanks to all of you who replied. I'll take all of your suggestions and start re-working the site this weekend.

Take care,
Also, one of Google's biggest criteria for search order is how well linked you are. The more good sites that link to you, the higher you appear in the list.

Bad sites, however, do you no good at all. A bad site would be one, for instance, that was just a long list of links.