
Well Known Member
Has anyone used something other than ProSeal to seal the rear window on the RV-12? I dread ProSeal under any circumstances and I hate buying more of it for such a small amount needed. I have about half a quart left over from the rest of the airplane but it's about five years old and a test batch didn't cure.


I did not seal mine. Glad I did not as It developed a crack. Now it is easy to remove and replace.
I did recently help a couple of 14 guys install their windows with Bostik 1100FS Polyurethane. This worked great. Easy to work with and clean up.
I’m at this exact stage. I contacted Vans support to discuss options. I plan to remove the window for painting after the phase 1 fly off is complete. With that in mind, the builder support folks recommended I install the window “dry”, that is, without sealant, to make removal easier.

I’m curious to hear what others have done on their builds as well.
I'm also at this stage building as a E-LSA. Will a DAR have a problem with it not being sealed?
I'm also at this stage building as a E-LSA. Will a DAR have a problem with it not being sealed?

I’m also building under E-LSA. As I understand it, you have to build the plane exactly as specified in the plans prior to getting the first airworthiness certificate. I don’t believe any deviation is allowed.
I sealed mine with a bead of clear silicone. Mask off a line about 3/16” from the airframe on the outer surface of the plex and mask the airframe at the edge of the metal. Apply the bead and then pull up the masking tape before it sets to get a nice clean seal that looks good and can easily be removed later if you have to.