Don Patrick

Well Known Member
For those of you that had to seal the tanks, the rivet line on the skin of the tank of course gets a layer of proseal, but, how much did anyone put on the rib flanges? Just a dab for the rivet holes?

I want to avoid any pillowing effect, so I'm guessing just a dab for the holes.
Much thanks

I can't remember for certain but I think i just placed some proseal at each hole on the rib flange. I did put a thin layer between each bracket and the baffle and also dipped each pop rivet in proseal prior to setting.

I do remember that I clecoed the baffle to ribs at each hole when the proseal was very soft and then set the skinto baffle rivets prior to setting any rivets in the ribs. I had difficulty maintaining alignment between the skin and the baffle. If you are out of alignment a little, the manufactured head wants to tip a little resulting in proud rivets. I think if (when) I do another, I'll consider dimpling the skin and baffle so that they self align. I know others have dimpled by mistake and they were able to install the baffle without much reported trouble.
not just a dab....

you want to coat the rib flanges with nice thick layer of sealant......think like icing a cake or a doughnut. Just on the flanges though....and only on the parts of the flange that have holes for rivets. If I am not being clear enough feel free to give me a call during work hours and I will try to help.
Evan Johnson
I second that

you want to coat the rib flanges with nice thick layer of sealant......think like icing a cake or a doughnut. Just on the flanges though....and only on the parts of the flange that have holes for rivets. If I am not being clear enough feel free to give me a call during work hours and I will try to help.
Evan Johnson

The thicker the better you won't regret. I didn't listen :eek: