
Active Member
I have the plastic ones. They have very sharp edges, but once those edges are damaged, that's it. I would go with phenolic. You can sand the ends to restore the scraper's edge. I made my own phenolic scraper and use it all the time.
Use a plastic steak knife! Very cheap and very effective with zero damage to the aluminium.
Steak Knife!

Thanks Doug, I'll try that first before ordering anything. And yes, in case it wasn't clear ...'just sealed my tanks' means I sealed them a couple of weeks ago, so sealant is fully cured now.

BTW, I'll be in Sydney the week of Sept 14th. Where do the local RV folk congregate down there? :)

You might be in luck! - at the risk of hijaking the thread -


The Sports Aircraft Association of Australia is having its annual convention (fly-in) in Cowra in NSW during that week. See:


The convention holds little to many US fly-in events but it will have a good representation of RVs and many other interesting aircraft. Friday and Saturday are usually the best days. It would be well worth the trip.

Now Cowra is not a short drive from Sydney but you might be able to entice someone to give you a ride to Cowra if you can squeeze it into your schedule by checking into the RVs_in_Aus Yahoo group and asking the question.

I have not attended for several years so I am unfamiliar with what is available - I believe limited motel/hotel accommodation is available.


My usual is to sharpen a piece of plexiglas on the belt sander. Works good and won't damage the metal.