
I'm New Here
I have been a long-time lurker on this forum and am thankful for the help many of you have provided me in learning about RVs. I am an Air Force Pilot based in Clovis, New Mexico and have my eye on an RV-8 in SE Minnesota. I'd like to compensate a builder and/or A&P familiar with RVs and what their maintenance records should look like take peek at the aircraft before I make the trip up there. Someone nearby would be great, otherwise I'm happy to pay reasonable travel expenses for someone located elsewhere.

Is anyone able to help or suggest someone whom I could contact with such a request?

Thank you.
Mike Hilger is an EAA Tech Counselor in Minneapolis/St. Paul. He also works at SteinAir. Mike can be reached at 612-414-9128. Gary Specketer also spends his summers in Minneapolis. I don't have a number for Gary, but he is on this forum. Either one of these guys would do a good job for you.
David -

Thank you for taking the time to provide your recommendations. I have found another gentleman to help with the pre-buy.
