Craig Coffin

I'm New Here
I am researching different planes to build and have settled on an RV-4. Vans currently sells the plan sets for the 3 and 4 and according to them there is enough information to basically scratch build the plane and that several have been built this way. I would like to hear from other builders if this is realistic and what issues I might run in to. I will buy elements that it makes sense to buy, otherwise I will fabricate everything else.
From one guy I talked to that is finishing up a kit-built -4, if he did it again he would 'scratch build'. He said he'd buy the ribs and stuff, but fab all the skins and stuff himself. Of course, he built bigger tanks for his -4 already, so he fabbed new wing skins already for his current one. He's also one that machined a ton of parts to reduce weight on the first RV that he built the first time.
Are you interesed in scratch building for the challenge or to save dollars? The reason I ask is that the 4 "kit" is pretty darn close to scratch built in many places anyway, and I think it would be difficult to buy the materials for much less than the kit price. Regarding what to make and what to buy, I think skins will cost you less if you get them from Vans than if you buy stock and cut them yourself. I'm sure ribs and fuse bulkheads would be cheaper to make yourself, but too challenging for me. The steel weldments would be cheaper to make also, assuming you can do the welding yourself. All that's really left is lots of aluminum angle, and hardware.
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I'm one of the ones, to built a RV-4 from scratch. If you are looking to save money, buy the kit. You will pay more for the materials than you will pay for the parts from Van. But if you were like me, not in a hurry and had limited pocket money, you can buy material as money allows. I got to know all the UPS drivers. At the end I decided to buy the finishing kit to get the gear legs, enging mount, canopy and fiberglass parts.
I bought the plans in Nov 1985 and the first flight was on Dec. 29,1998.

A Real Homebuilt!

I too have an 'almost scratchbuilt' RV-4. I bought all the sheetmetal apart from the spar kit (unriveted) and bashed out the ribs etc on formblocks. I also bought the kit hardware and weldments/f'glass/canopy. I did this because I could'nt afford the kit when I began. If you can, buy the kit, in stages that you can afford. I took 14years, and couldn't stay ahead of the kids/house/job moves along the way!
If you need I have and older set of plans that would help a scratchbuilder. They are $25.00 plus shipping and also I have some unused empennage parts I would sell.
cell 409-363-2769
I helped a friend work on an RV4 that he was building from scratch 15 years ago. Made his own rib forms and everything. It was a labor of love but unfortunately he was never able to finish it. Building an RV4 or RV6 from scratch might be a great follow up project for all those builders going through withdrawal symptoms once they are flying.
