
Well Known Member
Realizing that the size of the Grand Turk trip report might be larger than some people would be willing to download we came up with yet another format to show everyone what a great time we had on this trip.

I found Windows Movie Maker on my laptop. Didn't even know what it was till a few days ago. I started fooling around with it and came up with a 4:20 movie that is a bunch of trip pictures set to music. (Turn Up your Volume)
I thinks it's pretty cool, so I thought I would post the link here for all to see.


Enjoy.... and let us know what you think about it.
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I Wanna go back!

All these pictures just makes me want to go back.

Good work Little Buddy.

Love Sinatra! Very nice video with the music and all. I was actually piloting a United 757 that day from Washington Dulles down to St. Maarten and came up on you guys talikng on air to air (123.45). You were about to all switch over to Providenciales twr and were pretty busy right then, so I elected not to say anything. ...but silently wished I was down there in your gaggle!

My hangar mate Craig Moen was on that trip last year, and hopefully one day I will be joining you all on what looks like a great trip with my yet to be completed RV-8!
jdmunzell said:
Love Sinatra! Very nice video with the music and all. I was actually piloting a United 757 that day from Washington Dulles down to St. Maarten and came up on you guys talikng on air to air (123.45). You were about to all switch over to Providenciales twr and were pretty busy right then, so I elected not to say anything. ...but silently wished I was down there in your gaggle!

My hangar mate Craig Moen was on that trip last year, and hopefully one day I will be joining you all on what looks like a great trip with my yet to be completed RV-8!

We had several airliners say hello on the trip over the water. They were all stating envy that they weren't with us. You should have said hello.

On another note... Rosie got a picture of a 757 holding low over the water at Providenciales while I landed. The tower required excessive spacing between us and I ended up being told to go around as Rosie and Tuppergal were exiting the runway and we were still 1 mile out on final. All the while this jet is 1000 feet over the water circling and waiting. They seem to have their priorities straight in the Turks!

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Holding is not uncommon in the Carribbean. Most of the airports down there are non radar enviroment, and thus require a lot of spacing between aircraft...any aircraft! Being a little airplane driver, I totally do not mind. I simply make sure there is enough fuel on board before I leave point A to handle any such contingency.

Looks to me like the best part from your pictures was the party going after you guys landed!
jdmunzell said:
Love Sinatra! Very nice video with the music and all. I was actually piloting a United 757 that day from Washington Dulles down to St. Maarten and came up on you guys talikng on air to air (123.45). You were about to all switch over to Providenciales twr and were pretty busy right then, so I elected not to say anything. ...but silently wished I was down there in your gaggle!

My hangar mate Craig Moen was on that trip last year, and hopefully one day I will be joining you all on what looks like a great trip with my yet to be completed RV-8!

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for watching. We all had such a great time. I was the guy with the least amount of PIC time ~ 260 hours, when this trip started. Flying over the water is real interesting..... every little change in sound gets your attention quick. As for the holding and really long landing seperation it was a joke. I had to go around on Grand Turk and no one was in front of me on the runway and I was at least a mile out!!! This happened every time we landed....Not much you can do it's their show.
Sinatra is one of my wifes fav's and the song just fits perfectly. We are all looking forward to the next big trip to the islands. Hope to see you on the next one. I have to fly commercial down to St. Croix sometime later this summer, might run into you on the flight there..... :cool: