
Well Known Member
It’s taken a while to get this all together, but Deb and I have finally finished compiling the pictures from our summer trip. (OK…it was mostly Deb’s work.) There are 192 pictures in a Facebook album titled Scott and Deb’s Excellent RV Adventures: The Great Northwest & Canada 2014. We have had some issues with Image Shack hosting our pictures here on VAF and they now require money to host them, so we’ve decided to just keep everything on Facebook. The photo album is public, but you must have a Facebook account to view it.

We really enjoy this kind of trip in the plane -- what I mean by that is, stopping and spending a few days at various places and then continuing on to the next destination. We visited Missoula, MT (ran into Vlad there), then on to Coeur d’Alene, ID to visit my sister. We took a short side trip up into Canada and spent a night in Vernon, BC. We stopped for pie in Chilliwack and saw some incredible scenery along the way. After that, it was back into the USA with an overnighter on Orcas Island and then some time in and around the Seattle area. Took the Boeing factory tour and went to the Arlington Fly-In for a day.

We had an outstanding time flying the Great Northwest, made several new friends, and ran into a few old ones. We were fortunate to have absolutely perfect weather for the entire eight days of the trip.

If you have a Facebook account and some spare time on your hands, take a look. Deb has added captions to all the pics. If you click on the link and start with the first picture, they will be in chronological order.


Facebook Link

A few teaser pictures for those of you who don't have FB.

Day 1: What are the odds that two people from Colorado (on their way to Idaho) would run into a Russian-born RV flyer from New Jersey (on his way to the Aleutian Islands off the Alaskan Peninsula) at Missoula International Airport?


Day 3: the Kootenay River snakes its way around fields of vibrant yellow canola flowers in the Creston Valley of BC, Canada


Day 3: nice view of the Brilliant (hydroelectric) Dam on the Kootenay River near Castlegar, BC, Canada -- this is the confluence of the Kootenay (foreground) and Columbia rivers


Day 5: Scotty spots a pretty little lake nestled in amongst the hills.



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The teaser pics look amazing, Scott!

However, I (and most of my flying friends at 52F) don't do Facebook, so can't see it. Looks like you two had an amazing time, though!

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It was funny and cool to bump into a fellow traveller. Good time Scott. Some day I am going to join the FB. People say I am missing the whole other life there :D
Time To Join Up...

You two really need to get up with the times! :confused: You may be the only people who are not on FB. :p Vlad, you would probably be an instant celebrity with a million plus "likes".

I understand some of the reasons for it, but at the end of the day--to quote Clark Griswold,"do you really think it matters Eddie?"

I will say the issues with Image Shack really annoyed me. One day I noticed that all our trip write-up pictures were GONE. After lots of e-mails and work I managed to get most of them back in order. There are still posts that are not right and/or the pictures are missing. It's a lot of work doing trip reports, for what amounts to zero gain, only to have the pictures be out of our control... And, for all that aggravation and work, they now want to charge me! :mad:

The teaser pics look amazing, Scott!

However, I (and most of my flying friends at 52F) don't do Facebook, so can't see it. Looks like you two had an amazing time, though!


It was funny and cool to bump into a fellow traveller. Good time Scott. Some day I am going to join the FB. People say I am missing the whole other life there :D
On FB but having trouble.

Scott I'm trying real hard here but all I can find is a really nice photo of you two flying your RV and one Black and white selfie in the cockpit. What am I doing wrong.:eek:
Hi Tom,

Hmmm... not sure. Are you following the link above or searching on FB? Searching would bring up another page Deb has set up, but we haven't done anything with yet. The photos are in a pubic album so I would think the link should work.

As a test I had Deb "Unfriend" me and the link still worked. I hope she'll be my friend again. :eek:

Send me a friend request, I can always use more. ;)


Scott I'm trying real hard here but all I can find is a really nice photo of you two flying your RV and one Black and white selfie in the cockpit. What am I doing wrong.:eek:
That's what I call a trip.

Scott when I tried the link last night it kept coming up as "unavailable at this "time. Probably everyone on the VAF trying to get in.:)
This morning I got in just fine. What a trip! You two sure do enjoy your RV and where it can take you. Outstanding trip photos. Thanks for the motivation!:)