Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
Scott and Deb, great story! I'm so amped up from reading about our trip that I'll probably not be able to sleep tonight. We sure had a great time venturing out into the wild blue and meeting so many great people. This is truly what the RV experience is everybody. I especially liked the Crocodile Dundee reference with respect to the clouds. Your right Deb, those were clouds.

Thanks for making my night.

[ed. Link to story ]
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Dive Videos from trip

Thanks for the kind words Bryan. We all had a BLAST on this trip and can't wait to go on the next one :)
This trip report file was so big after we completed it, I couldn't even e-mail it to Doug.... I had to send it snail mail. The original file was 117 MB's Doug managed to get it down to 62 MB's as a PDF. Still pretty large at that.
We wanted to include a lot of pictures because it helps to "see" all that we did.

There are also a couple of links to some Diving videos on You tube that I shot under water. Most people probably didn't get that far so I thought I would post them here. They are each about one minute long.

First one is of Rosie and Deb

Second one is of Viki, Jimmy B, Gary and Sid (I think)

We wish we we're still there. We have a couple of trips planned for over the summer and fall, but none quite as exotic as Grand Turk.
Clouds in Caribbean?

Thanks for the great write up Deb and Scott!
What a great trip too! The Caribbean is 99% VFR, they say. However, there was that one BIG cloud, right? Still amazes me how our little RV can make the world seem so small and opens up adventures that seemed impossible a few years ago. Like Rosie always tells people still building and looking forward to adventures like this:​
"Keep Pounding those Rivets!"
jimmyb & vicki2​

...Remember where this all began, alpha flight?...