
Well Known Member
Hey Scott I really Enjoy following your builds and I noticed you have not updated you site since October 14th. Any new updates??
Hey Scott I really Enjoy following your builds and I noticed you have not updated you site since October 14th. Any new updates??

<chuckle> Sorry about that, I'm in priority mode. Tanya has long since taken over responsibility for the -9A updates so she can be bugged about that one :). We're flying at least 2-3 times per week. I haven't done much at all on the -8 because I've been spending all my time working on an instrument rating. I'm just about ready to take the written exam and am making good progress toward the practical. In fact, instead of building, this evening we're going out to practice some instrument approaches.
There ya go I guess only one things beats building and thats flying, Good luck with your instrument, I'm Finishing mine up as soon as I go home for Christmas Break.

I'm trying to catch up!

You're waaay ahead of me Scott but I'm making progress.

Soloed today in the DA20. Big milestone (for me).

I'm moving wings, etc to the hanger in the next couple of weeks and getting
the fuselage back in the garage.

I just need to finish flight school, a finish kit, seats, an engine & prop, paint........

I shouldn't think about it too much:eek:

Good luck on the IFR ticket!

finishing up the fuselage