
Well Known Member
A number of builders have just about finished their airframes, and I need their advice. I am putting in an order to Averys for tools and I need to know how many 1 inch diameter deburring wheels (SKU 3700) I will need to get thru the project. Thanks.


Hi Rod
I used and killed one of the large wheels(installed on bench grinder), and the small wheels that came with the kit still have some minimal life left. I am pretty much finished the metal work so...i believe i dont need anything more. So, if going quick build the avery kit is adequate. If going slow i would say one extra large wheel for the bench grinder may be used. There are all sorts of time you will walk over flip it on and just clean us some edges etc. One spare might be worth it.
A number of builders have just about finished their airframes, and I need their advice. I am putting in an order to Averys for tools and I need to know how many 1 inch diameter deburring wheels (SKU 3700) I will need to get thru the project. Thanks.



You will go thru those 1 inch ones in a hurry...4 or 5 to start would be fine...i'm talking about the little ones. What you really need is the big $65 one that goes on the bench grinder will use that one all the time and it lasts forever.

You will go thru those 1 inch ones in a hurry...4 or 5 to start would be fine...i'm talking about the little ones. What you really need is the big $65 one that goes on the bench grinder will use that one all the time and it lasts forever.

+1 with Pete. Those little wheels are great but don't last long, so get several. If you treat your bench grinder scotch brite wheel right, it'll last easily throughout your project and still be ready for the next one. I have seen folks smooth edges of parts on the bench grinder, running the edge of the piece vertically along the scotchbrite wheel and soon get a deep V-groove in the wheel and eventually causing binding when edge-smoothing pieces. If you edge-smooth with more of an angle (say, 45 degrees) across the scotchbrite wheel, it'll stay flat and smooth throughout the project. I usually run the piece after deburring with the quick deburr tool across the scotchbrite wheel twice - flipping it for the second run. Hope this made sense.
You can do without them, but they are great timesavers!
I use mine a lot so I say, Minimum 5 but most probably 10 over the entire build.

Depends on how you use them...

I generally agree with Rudi- you could probably get away with 10 for the whole kit- less if you use a large wheel for more of the deburring. For my RV-12, I have probably gone through about 12 of the 1 inch variety and still have the tailcone to go. As mentioned in an earlier post for the large wheel, the small wheels also last longer if you run them at an angle to avoid forming grooves. However, when doing this on thin sheets, it will sometimes jump and vibrate if there is no groove and it is held at an angle. I actually like forming the grooves to use for finish deburring as they do a very nice job of deburring both sides at once. However, once they get deep, they start to form a sharp edge and can bind. Hence, I just start a new groove at that point.

In the end, they are relatively cheap compared to all of the other costs of the project so I have not tried to scrimp and save on them!
use in dremel tool

Hi Ron,

The small wheels are great for cutting up and using the pieces on a dremel tool. Just cut a 1" wheel in quarters, punch a small hole in one side, skrew it to a skrew-on mandrel and make a zylindrical or conical shape by turning it on low speed and holding it to a spinning 6" wheel. Huge timesaver, great for many hard to reach places. There was a video about this some time ago but I couldn't find it again.

For the egdes of the skin I use the 2" wheels in a die grinder, found them easier to use.

Thanks everyone for your advice. Great stuff! I have the 2 inch wheel and will get 10 of the 1 inch wheels. Also I will look closer at the 6 inch wheel as I have a little grinder it might fit on.

thanks again, Rod
I have 1- 6" wheel, 2-2" wheels and 2-1" wheels. I found that I was using up the 1" and 2" wheels while deburring skins, so I purchased 3 more 1" and 2 more 2" wheels from Avery at Sun n' Fun. Also bought a rivet removal tool, some Side-grip Clecoes and some Boelube.

Art Pennanen