
Well Known Member
Hello to all,

I put the major portion of the fuselage together the other day.:D Everything went pretty good, except the forward tabs of the forward fuselage skin didn't quite go to the vertex of the the lower forward longeron, about a 1/8 of an inch shy on one side, 1/16 on the other.:confused: And finding this out after everything has been drilled, Boy, that makes a difference in the long run.:eek: But I fixed everything with lots of swearing, breaking things, and of coarse, crying:( Quickbuild sure looks good about now.
Not sure if this is the same

I had a gap of 1/4" from the bottom of the front skins from the firewall to the wing spars. The tabs lined up exactly with the bottom of the longeon. The top of the front and mid skins lined up perfectly. I call Vans and they said it was OK as the gap was the same on both sides and the tabs would be removed later in the build.