
Well Known Member
Yep! Andi and I took a day trip to land of Lavern and Shirley to see the wonderful lakefront and Milwaukee Art Museum. We launched early and caught the sunrise over the new bridge over the St Croix River.


We decided to go into Mitchell airport b/c Avflight just came in and had reasonable prices for a big city airport ($4.80/gal) with no handling fees. ATC was friendly and helpful! Here is video of the landing

The city bus was block away to provide a $9.00 round trip downtown for both of us! It was was a great way to see the city! Clean and efficent!


We jumped off the bus downtown and few blocks walk away, we got to see The Museum's signature wings, the Burke Brise Soleil unfurl at 10am- amazing! Santiago Calatrava designed this part of the museum and it is stunning!


Side view on a cloudless day - It is beautiful!

Inside are many famous works here is one of my favorites - lots going on here. I also enjoyed the special attraction exhibit of the works of Charles Radtke - amazing woodwork! These are housed in an older part of museum designed by Eero Saarinen - the guy that designed another favorite of mine, the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial(otherwise known as the Gateway Arch!)



We toured all the galleries, walked the lakefront and, scored some lunch downtown - really a great day. After all of that, we bussed back to the airport where Avflight had the super massage chair waiting - This might have been Andi's favorite part of the trip......

On departure, we asked for a flyby of the Art Museum - Milwaukee clearance set it with approach and we were off! ATC at Mitchell was great! Departure Video


The day took its toll and we had a quiet passenger on the way home.....


Mitchell airport, Avflight, the City Bus, the Art Museum and the Lakefront are all top notch. Might be a nice sidetrip if you are coming to Oshkosh. After the Fisk Arrival, you might need that massage chair!!!
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Glad you enjoyed my home town! I consider the Calatrava to be of the most beautiful pieces of architecture in the world! Unfortunately, if you are on Wisconsin Avenue, which runs east and west and has a direct sight line to the Calatrava, the view is blocked by another piece of "art". Not a word I would use for the gaudy bright orange elementary work that was commissioned some years ago (I believe to a 6 year old). Yet there it stands, sullying the view of magnificence! Some things just make no sense to me. :D

Great Milwaukee

Thanks for posting these great pictures of - also - my home town, where I grew up. Live in Chicago suburb now and fly out of KDPA. Also admire Calatrava's architecture! While I only occasionally fly into MKE now, I used to all the time when my parents were still with us. And the controllers there were always an absolute delight, the way they interacted with me as an experimental. I swear, it was nearly every time I was there that something fun would occur, like a tower controller complimenting the airplane, or the Delta captain taxiing up behind me, asking the tower for permission to talk to me, and then asking questions about the plane! And the folks at Signature are always super, and have great crew cars!

Reinhard Metz