
Well Known Member
I was looking for guidance on doing the scarf joint on the wing skins. Found lots of comments and text, but no pictures remaining - old photo links are mostly dead. So, I have lots of photos of the job on my facebook page if you want to see them.

As always, if you more experienced builders, mechanics, and engineers have comments or guidance for me, it is always welcome.

One of the big issues I had with Van's plans was not having a callout or spec on how thin you can or should file/sand down the skins. I decided .01 inches was the thinnest I would comfortably cut to on either skin.

Another comment I have is that several builders said they just cut the skin or notched it like at the trailing edge. Again I could find no pictures of this but I assume this means they made a sort of butt joint at the spar flange and a split or notch in one of the skins. I would be very uncomfortable with anything like that - creating what I guess is a stress riser in a structural element (skin)!

I ended up with a pretty labor intensive job - using mainly a small sanding block and various grits of paper, but I like the result.

Thanks for all your support guys!
Thanks for posting this! Seven years after the fact, and still very helpful... It took a bit of scrolling, but I eventually found your scarf joint pics and also a couple of other useful pointers during the search.