
Well Known Member
Has anyone managed to scan their -9A plans? I bought mine already built and some pages in the binder are pretty beat up . It would be great to have a searchable .pdf and be able to zoom in as needed.
Why not just order the PDF plans disc from Vans? It will have all the OP drawings and the instructions. Not tailored for a specific serial number though, but neither would just any scanned images.
Great deal, for sure, but you're probably going to need OCR software to process the images in order to do searches. The ones I've seen are just scans; not true searchable .pdf's.
Great deal, for sure, but you're probably going to need OCR software to process the images in order to do searches. The ones I've seen are just scans; not true searchable .pdf's.
It depends, I suspect, on the age of the design. My -7 drawings were not searchable, the -12 drawings are (which is incredibly handy). I imagine that different software was used to create and export the drawings.
Sadly, the -9/9A plans aren't searchable. I would have found that exceedingly useful. However, the construction manual is searchable. In any case, the plans in PDF format have been a big help. I refer to them frequently.