
Well Known Member
I have read Doug's posting about scammers and methods to reduce the chance of getting scammed. If you haven't read it I encourage you to do so.

One suggestion is to have someone in the local area review the item. So here we go, I live in the Portland OR area. I am willing to review something in this area (within reason.) I can't make judgements about its condition other than to verify it is what is listed. I can't test avionics. I can't handle the money transfer. But I can certainly get eyes on the item, take a few photos, etc. That last part might be enough to reduce the scammer activity. PM me here.

Maybe you might be willing to do so in your local area.
I'm in Central to South Florida, willing to travel moderate distance. (especially if it involves flying :D).
I can help in the Orlando, FL area.

To the Mods, if anything every needed to become a sticky or own sub-forum, I'd think this one.
People offering have anywhere from ~60 to ~2500 posts here. For this to be any more secure than the current method, we need a way to qualify anyone on the list. Scammers can offer to verify transactions too... (not suggesting anyone here so far is a scammer, but people's accounts have been hijacked recently).