
Active Member
I got an official looking letter from the National Aviation Center informing my registration on my other plane would expire and it is CRITICAL that it be renewed on time to avoid penalties. After logging into nationalaviationcenter.us i found they would only charge me $65 for renewal. Hmmmm. Went over to FAA.gov and there it still shows registration renewal for $5.00 Always some people trying to scam a buck.

In fairness, after rereading their letter it does state that I am under no obligation to use their firms service.
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Sounds like the same deal as on state Auto Registrations.

Pay us more and don't stand in the DMV line for hours...:)

But, since the FAA can be done on-line - as can AZ auto registration - it doesn't seem to make much sense.
It's obviously a scam. Trying to sucker people into thinking it's a government site.
I get those about monthly re our web domain... "Quick! you're going to lose your web name! switch and renew NOW at $99 for another year of service!" Notice how small the "switch over to our ownership" line is... You'll renew my $10/ year web name for 10x the cost? Wow! What a deal!
Yet every month our secretary gives me the "bill" thinking it needs to be paid in a hurry...
Yep just more bottom feeders trolling FAA databases looking for a sucker. Kinda like Short N numbers. Com ( American capitalism run amok )
I wonder how much money they make simply from spouses "taking care of it" and not thinking twice.
Yep just more bottom feeders trolling FAA databases looking for a sucker. Kinda like Short N numbers. Com ( American capitalism run amok )

Rent seeking, not strictly capitalism. The FAA creates a rent, people will exploit it.
Yep just more bottom feeders trolling FAA databases looking for a sucker. Kinda like Short N numbers. Com ( American capitalism run amok )

It is still easy for Shortnumbers.com?

I see the FAA has now implemented an "I'm not a robot" check when you apply on-line for a reserved number.

My choices on the FAA database recently do seem to have become larger. :)
It is still easy for Shortnumbers.com?

I see the FAA has now implemented an "I'm not a robot" check when you apply on-line for a reserved number.

My choices on the FAA database recently do seem to have become larger. :)

Only a matter of time before that minor impediment is removed by some sort of automation. Doesn't really solve the underlying problem: reselling registration numbers.

Still don't get why this is allowed. I can't do that with my auto license plates.