
I'm New Here
Hi, I am very new here. I live in upstate South Carolina and would like to know if there are any RV pilots in my area. There may be a better way to go about getting this information. Please be patient as I am learning my way around VAF. I fly out of KSPA. I am looking to purchase a time building plane, probably an RV 6 or preferably a 9. Is there anyone around that would be willing to allow me to look over their plane and perhaps go for a short flight? I want to make sure that I like them before such a large purchase. Thanks in advance for any help.
My son and I have owned three RVs {2 8s and a 7). We currently have a RV-8 based ar Laurens (KLUX). The prop is off for overhaul right now but we'd be happy to share our experiences and take you for a ride once we get the prop back. I have a friend with a 9 also.
I would be that friend with the -9.

There is a -9A at GSP and a few other RV's around the area.

You are more than welcome to come on over SC86 and check it out.
Thank you all for responding. It is wonderful that this community is so open and helpful. I look forward to flying in an RV. Currently I fly a Cherokee Six. Since I am trying to get as many hours as I can flying right now, something a little more fuel-efficient like an RV would be great.