
Hello Everyone!

I started lurking/building a -9A last December. This site has been an unbelievably valuable resource. It seems whenever I've had a question or problem, a quick search has turned up a solution.

One need wasn't totally satisfied though. I couldn't find the answer I wanted for a UV-resistant canopy. I was ready to order my finish kit and either needed a special canopy from Van's, or needed to have one custom made. An email to Van's put me in touch with Becky at Airplane Plastics and sure enough, they now have a material which has the same tint as the standard canopy, only it includes an ultraviolet inhibitor. For what it's worth, it's also reportedly cooler inside.

My finish kit is on order and the special-order SC-15 canopy will be drop-shipped from the manufacturer. I don't know the exact cost difference, but it will no doubt be less than a visit to the Dermatologist to have a bunch of bad guys frozen off! The interior and electronics should like it too.
If I remember correct it is UV-B that is bad, I may be wrong but I always understood standard glass and acrylic filter that wave out 100%.
Update w/Canopy Test Results

When I took my canopy out of the box, I cut off a chunk and sent it to Bill McLean for testing. He sent me the plot and following information for comparison.

Previously Tested RV-7 Canopy
  • 80% visible light allowed through
  • 1% UVb allowed through (bad)
  • 12% UVa allowed through (not as bad)
SC-15 Special-Order Canopy
  • 76% visible light allowed through
  • 1% UVb allowed through (bad)
  • 1% UVa allowed through (not as bad)

The standard canopy is pretty darn good but if you have health concerns, it might be worth considering for the extra couple hundred bucks it costs.

Thanks to Bill McLean for the peace-of-mind and to Van's and Airplane Plastics for the extra effort to make it happen!
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As someone who has fair skin and a family history of skin cancer, I think this sounds like a great option as I get ready to order my finish kit.

What is the extra cost?
Is it tinted any darker?

I'm also assuming my glasses with the transitions lenses won't darken due to the low amount of UV rays. :(

wear a hat and sunscreen...
Now, if it's truly cooler then that would be worth consideration.
I'd do it again

... and cut out something else if I had to. I just signed off my Phase I and took my wife for her first ride yesterday. On the drive home, she remarked at how she didn't feel the strong sun on her face and how her glasses didn't darken. Pretty remarkable for someone who's had melanoma and doesn't get dressed without sunscreen. Yes, that's subjective but at least as important to me as the test results from the Army. ;)

Bruce, Airplane Plastics selected the SC-15 because it was nearly identical to the "darkness" and color of the standard Van's canopy. I don't think you could tell any difference in tint. The bad news is you'll have to invest in some dark glasses.

Daryl at Van's can give you the difference in cost between the canopies. I remember something like a couple hundred dollars plus a difference in drop-shipping from Airplane Plastics. Cheap compared to health care costs.
SC - 15 Option

Sorry for the delay, Brian. I went to the hangar and picked up my invoice from August 2009 - $200 plus drop shipping from Ohio.
When I took my canopy out of the box, I cut off a chunk and sent it to Bill McLean for testing. He sent me the plot and following information for comparison.

Previously Tested RV-7 Canopy
  • 80% visible light allowed through
  • 1% UVb allowed through (bad)
  • 12% UVa allowed through (not as bad)
SC-15 Special-Order Canopy
  • 76% visible light allowed through
  • 1% UVb allowed through (bad)
  • 1% UVa allowed through (not as bad)

The standard canopy is pretty darn good but if you have health concerns, it might be worth considering for the extra couple hundred bucks it costs.

Thanks to Bill McLean for the peace-of-mind and to Van's and Airplane Plastics for the extra effort to make it happen!

Resurrecting an old thread.

I need to get my finish kit ordered and would like a little more input on canopy tint. The three choices as I understand them are:

Standard Canopy - Light smoke 2515
Darker Option - Medium smoke 2514
UV resistant - SC15

I was leaning towards the SC15 which is basically the same tint as the standard canopy with added UV protection until I stumbled across this thread. According to the data posted by Russ, there does not seem to be a significant difference in UV protection.

Please provide your thoughts/experience flying with these canopies, particularly the medium smoke 2514 and SC15 including night flying experience.

Flying behind the SC15

I guess the good news is also the bad news: can't tell any difference. Night is a non-issue. As far as I know, the only real difference between the SC15 and the standard canopy is what you can't see.

Granted, I haven't spent much time flying in someone else's RV for the last couple of years to really compare! ;)
Fresh news?

I'm close to order my finishing kit and would like to know if some more builder have tested the UW resistant canopy!
The cost is 305$ and I'm wondering if it is a valuable option for flying in Switzerland??
We don't have very hot climate for several months of the year but I fly quiet high in th Swiss alps very often and the sunshine is usually present! Often flying between 12'000 to 15'000 Ft!

Any feedback is welcome!

I'm close to order my finishing kit and would like to know if some more builder have tested the UW resistant canopy!
The cost is 305$ and I'm wondering if it is a valuable option for flying in Switzerland??
We don't have very hot climate for several months of the year but I fly quiet high in th Swiss alps very often and the sunshine is usually present! Often flying between 12'000 to 15'000 Ft!

Any feedback is welcome!


I don't have much on the "UV" subject, but we did look at this subject when we ordered our canopy for an 8. We were living in south TEXAS and that is a hard SUN region of the US. There is a Mil. spec. for aircraft shading and it has been a long time now that we ordered this so I don't remember the spec's anymore. What it amounts to is, there is a level of light let through the canopy that is good for day and just dark enough for night flight to be safe, but not to dark for the average person to see through the glass at night. We found that Van's stock or standard canopy was one shade lighter that that Mil. spec. shade, so we did just as the others above have done and ordered down to the Mil. spec. We like what we got and it looks and feels a little cooled in side and out. Just like a little F-16, if you look at a stock canopy on one of those, it will have the shading of that Mil. spec. we wanted.
We did this for safety at night and sun in the days. The "UV" filter component to the plastic was not available at that time. I still try to wear clothing to protect my skin when flying as well. Having a Red Headed wife with fair skin with a history of melanoma it is a must. We get her some of those "UV" filter hats and clothing. You can buy that stuff at most sporting goods stores these days.
Hope this helps. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888

I'm close to order my finishing kit and would like to know if some more builder have tested the UW resistant canopy!
The cost is 305$ and I'm wondering if it is a valuable option for flying in Switzerland??
We don't have very hot climate for several months of the year but I fly quiet high in th Swiss alps very often and the sunshine is usually present! Often flying between 12'000 to 15'000 Ft!

Any feedback is welcome!


I git one but it's nothe installed. It's got a little tint but I don't think know it's too dark for night flying. Call Becky. She will send samples.
I've been flying my UVA/B canopy now for almost 3 years. I love it! No worries at all about getting sunburned. Normally at altitude I would fry to a crisp in minutes. There is really no difference in the tint, so night flying isn't a concern either.
It's not really "tinted", it is blown from plexiglass/acrylic that has UV blocking capability. And, yes, just request it from Van's in your order. They will get it from the vendor and ship it to you in your finish kit. If they don't have one in inventory, it may delay shipment of your finish kit.