Well Known Member

I searched this forum for impact info and did not find anything. I am starting my Horz Stab and see SB00036. There are no reported instances of cracks on an RV10 that I can find and the SB does not address any changes for the RV10 other than reporting to the mother ship.

But... what a pain to deal with later and how easy to deal with now.

Yes, extra weight, unintended consequences, low probability, low cost now versus high pain in butt factor later if happens?

Thanks for listening
I don't see any changes to the RV-10 as part of the SB, just reporting. What is there to do now for those of us still building?
Do nothing, relax, Build-On!

I don't see any changes to the RV-10 as part of the SB, just reporting. What is there to do now for those of us still building?

I was told at OSH in July to just inspect if built, build on if assembling a new bird as nothing has been engineered for a new build anyways. ( i.e. new doubler design) I think it is because they mentioned the RV-10 and RV-14 spar loads are different due to the design and probably would never exhibit cracks. (Rian? I’m not sure so don’t quote me)

BTW due to SB00043 (adding pro-seal fillet to spar/skin mating area


They have revised the RV-10 build plans as of 9-Sept 2023
To incorporate the SB00043 into a fresh build.


- drdave