
Active Member
From what I have read it seems I'd be looking at 1 1/2 yrs - 2 yrs for getting the QB wings.

I've watched some videos on building the gas tanks in the wings and am somewhat worried about leaks by doing the SB.

Do the QB wings come with any sort of guarantee for no leaks?

From your experience would you recommend SB or QB not being the deciding factor.

Appreciate any making the gas tanks and using the sealant a real issue to be overly concerned about?

Standard build (slow build went away in the mid 1990s) hands down. Nothing difficult in the wings. Building fuel tanks is messy and smelly but not difficult.
QB tanks are not guarantied not to leak and often do.

My $.02 worth!
Standard build (slow build went away in the mid 1990s) hands down. Nothing difficult in the wings. Building fuel tanks is messy and smelly but not difficult.
QB tanks are not guarantied not to leak and often do.

My $.02 worth!

I've decided to order the SB wings and the QB fuselage. The order has been the waiting begins :)
