dick seiders

Well Known Member
Has anyone found cracks in the nose fork? Haven't had a chance to check mine yet, but will tomorrow am. Just want to get an idea how likely the cracks may be.
Dick Seiders
None Found

Checked mine yesterday and found all to be good. That's a pretty beefy area. It's hard to imagine that cracks would develop there. Must be associated with the method that was used to form the yoke. A visual check of that area will be on my condition inspection list, along with the engine mount bolts. Failure of either could make for a bad day,
Nothing - -

210 hours. Checked this morning. ( 2 degrees ! ). Looked underneath also. Nothing.

John Bender
4 hours; no cracks in nosewheel fork. Logbook entry made. SB didn't say anything about periodic re-checks. Is this a manufacturing defect, one-time only check? Y'know it's sooo much trouble checking my unshod nosewheel!

Jim N233TX
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Thanks for the responses guys. I checked mine today (44hrs) and it was fine as well.
It will be interesting to see if any turn up.
Dick Seiders
I believe the SB said that if no cracks are found, the fork may be returned to service with no further inspections required.
It appears to be a manufacturing defect as the other cracks on this project have been. Sooo, if it's good now it should be good for ever.

Art Pennanen
No problems here, 185 hrs.

I'm guessing the cracks were formed as a result of manufacturing, not use.
No defects found on my fork. Picked up the finish kit on 8/10/09 (which includes the nose wheel fork). The plane has 45 flying hours now.

No cracks either

My finish kit was received in May of 2009. I have just over 25 hours on the Hobbs.

200 hours...

200 hours and no cracks. Carrie insists that her landings are always 'right on' the mains so there is almost zero stress on the nose gear. She does fly very well but I pretty much believe the cracks must be part of the manufacturing process.

Happy landings!

Jay and Carrie Sluiter
Albany, OR (S12)
Cracks on Nose Gear

...about 46 hours on the plane and no cracks. As soon as it warms up a little (ha!), we'll make the modifications to the shroud and check the torque.
Meade and George
143WM no cracks

N143WM S/N 120241 inspectd at 20.1 hours, logged as no cracks found and returned to service.

Wonder where in the sequence the bad forks start?

How about that? Does anyone out there know where the crack info emanated from, or is it direct from Van's who may have discovered it in an outgoing kit?
Dick Seiders
It may have been me! When I painted my NLG fork prior to fitting it, the paint showed up a very small crack as detailed in the SB.

I spoke to Van's, they checked their stock and found a couple of similarly affected ones and issued the SB (ands sent me a good one!).

It sounds as though it was a small batch with a manufacturing defect rather than an in service problem.

Standard exemplary action by Van's - something that many manufacturers of certified aircraft should take note of...!