
Well Known Member
What is the easiest, best, acceptable method for tracking SB's and AD's on our EAB aircraft?. My IA took care if it with my last ship but I'll have my own IA for the -8.
I go Van's web page for any aircraft AD or SB issues but for the engine I don't know because I'm not using a standard aircraft engine.
I keep a cover page for each section (airframe, engine, avionics, prop) and I keep them in the log book. Besides making an entry in the log book, I track all the SBs on this form. It has columns for various categories of information like compliance, dates, recurrence, etc. It makes it easy to see at a glance all the SBs and whether they apply and when they were completed. I maintain them excel. I can email you a copy if you'd like.
For the certified components (engine, prop, accessories) you could get somebody with AD software to look them up for you or you can go to the FAA AD website. For the airframe you can go to Van's website. You can keep track of them just about any way you want, but it's best to have a system so you can know which ones are recurring and which ones are previously complied with and don't need to be done again (or not applicable).
Several but not "easy"

Make a list of all items:


with model number/serial number

Research through their website if they have one or call them.
They will have the SB/ASB's and AD's if required. and search for AD's on items also.

There is nothing easy or efficient about any of it. It's not hard to do, but to have accurate information, will be time consuming. Plus you will learn ALOT!

This is all data driven. I don't understand why there isn't a service where you register the components. I smell an application opportunity.......