Figure 15 of SB 12-11-09 calls for the U-1202 outboard main gear attach brackets to be beveled at each corner. I know that this can be done with a belt sander or file, but I had Bob Avery do the machining. It is much neater and he only charged me $20. He will do the same for anyone else for $20 plus shipping.
If you clamp them in tightly at 45 degrees to the blade a chop saw does a great job cutting off the corner.
Band Saw Works Too

I jigged up using a piece of angle aluminum positioned, ridge up on the band saw table, providing a 45 degree angle for the cut. it took about 30 min. and dressed up nicely with a few strokes of a file. Really, not a big deal..........Tom
Corner chamfers

Hi folks, I have just commenced the Fuse construction, incorporating the S/B mods as I go. I carefully marked the cut, & used a fine toothed hacksaw, followed by a cleanup with a file. At this stage I have only done the forward corners on each U-1202 bracket, as I couldn't see any chance of rivet interference at the aft end. I presume this is acceptable from a strength point of view. If I am wrong, I can chamfer the forward corners later, before attaching the gear. Cheers. DEAN...
Hi folks, I have just commenced the Fuse construction, incorporating the S/B mods as I go. I carefully marked the cut, & used a fine toothed hacksaw, followed by a cleanup with a file. At this stage I have only done the forward corners on each U-1202 bracket, as I couldn't see any chance of rivet interference at the aft end. I presume this is acceptable from a strength point of view. If I am wrong, I can chamfer the forward corners later, before attaching the gear. Cheers. DEAN...

All four corners are specified since there is no forward and aft end to the bracket (it could be installed either way). This way it couldn't accidentally be positioned the wrong way and have rivet interference effect the torque-up of the leg.
If you make sure the brackets install with the beveled end fwd, you will have taken care of the issue, but your airplane will be heavier than everyone else's;)
Gear Brackets

Thanks Scott, yes, I have carefully marked the brackets, along with the associated doubler & wear plates to ensure they go in the correct way & matched together. In the dim distant future hopefully the aircraft will be able to manage to lift the extra couple of ounces... cheers, DEAN... :
Initial Torque Check After SB Installation

I just did the first torque check after installing the main landing gear SB about 8 hours and 10 landings ago. I found my 3/8" and 1/4" nuts still torqued fine, but each one of my 5/16" outboard nuts needed retorquing. I got 1/4 turn on the tightest and 1 turn on the loosest nut. The other two were each about half a turn. Is this consistent with what other guys are getting?