
Hi, I had an oil pressure sensor rated 150psi and a fuel pressure sensor rated 50psi on my RV7 with fuel injected engine and Dynon Skyview. Both sensors were concerned by the SB so I decided to change them and the recommandation was to replace both by new 150 psi sensors.
Now my oil pressure reads normal but the fuel pressure reads one third of the actual pressure. How do I modify the settings to tell skyview that the fuel pressure sensor is now a 150 psi and not a 50 psi anymore, Thank you for your help, Nicolas F-PANI RV7 France
You have to change the EMS sensor mapping to the correct transducer. Instructions on how to do this are in the Installation Manual.

Also here: https://dynonavionics.com/bulletins/support_bulletin_050620E.php

And here: SkyView Engine Sensor Definitions Update
Download the updated version of the Engine Sensor Definitions for SkyView that support the new sensors from the software updates downloads page for your system. Load that file to your SkyView displays. After loading the updated sensor definitions, choose the newly installed sensor(s) in SkyView system setup under “SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > SENSOR INPUT MAPPING…” to complete re-configuration of your system.
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