
Well Known Member
Hi all!

I've been lurking on these forums for awhile and I thought I'd say hello. My preview plans for the -9A arrived today. I probably won't order the tail kit until late next year at least.

I've already joined the local chapter of the RAA and EAA and have already met a couple of people who are building and have built RVs.

Cheers. :)
I can tell your excited just getting the preview plans (that's why your posting. you had to tell someone about it)
But wait till you receive two cardboard cartons that that has "high dollar aircraft parts inside". And then you WILL be excited knowing your emp kit is in those cartons, and your build is starting.

Good luck with the build, and enjoy.

Hi all!

I've been lurking on these forums for awhile and I thought I'd say hello. My preview plans for the -9A arrived today. I probably won't order the tail kit until late next year at least.

I've already joined the local chapter of the RAA and EAA and have already met a couple of people who are building and have built RVs.

Cheers. :)

Welcome to the Club Sir!
Study the plans good:) and let us know about your next order.
I bet it will be faster than late next year...
Welcome Shamit...

....a great first step involving yourself with other EAA 'ers. Pretty soon you'll get an RV ride and grin:) by hanging around that gets infectious.

Welcome to the board. I'm from Qu?bec, Canada, buiding a -9A.

You can check my website (in French) at

If you need info on anything related to experimental in Canada (registration, inspections, ect ect) feel free to ask ;)
Thanks for the warm welcome everybody!

Yes, indeed I am excited. Actually, I only found out about RVs a little over a month ago. When I read the description for the -9A, it felt as though they had interviewed me to ask me what I want in a personal airplane.

I'll be studying the plans thoroughly and I have a basement finishing project I need to complete first (priming drywall this weekend). After that I can focus on preparing my garage into a workshop and get a practice kit.

Philippe, I'm sure I will take you up on questions. Thank you.


I can still remember that day over 8 years ago. In the few months between the preview plans and the tail kit the documents got pretty dog eared :)
As retiredracer said, the excitement of the first expensive plane parts box is a moment never forgotten.
It took us 7 years to finish our plane but the experience building and the enjoyment flying is really hard to put into words.
Hoping you the best and enjoy the experience.
Maybe see you and your RV at a fly-in some day.

Gord Jack
RV-7A 70011 C-FRVN
First Flight June 2008
205 hrs
CYXS Prince George B.C. Canada
Might as well chime in here too rather than start a new thread. Recieved my preview plans last week too. Gotta love FedEx to Australia, the shipping cost more than the plans...

Hoping to start on a -9 not long after the holiday period, depending how much overtime I can get to pay for the thing...Hoping for a simple, lightweight plane that I can initially register in the RAAus category until I start/finish/bother with my PPL.:D
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I've been on the fence about building for 20 years waiting for my kids to grow up. Finally decided to plunge in and got the preview plans in June. Ordered the tail kit in August (finished it in under 2 months), an now busy on the wings. I can't believe it took me so long to do this and I'm having a great time with the build so far. Lots of learning, but very rewarding and this VAF site has all of the answers to your questions.
Welcome Aboard!!

You'll love flying that -9.
It is a wonderful little airplane that makes me smile every time the wheels leave the ground.
If you are anything like me, you will enjoy the build project as much as flying it!!
Order that tail!!!
