
Well Known Member
Quick question - for those of you with an EFIS or logging engine monitor, is there a reason why you don't use Savvy? I'm using it and like it. One document I got from this had this info:

Includes 46 flights between Oct 26, 2021 and Oct 26, 2022, compared with 4651 flights by a cohort of 173 RV-8 aircraft.

I think there are over 1000 flying RV-8s out there, and 173 using Savvy seems pretty good - just curious why the rest are not using it. It's free data visualization.

I've attached a couple of reports for my aircraft in case you are interested in these.

Not trying to sell, just inform. And the more aircraft in that database, the more valuable it is, so I do have something to gain, obviously.

View attachment Report Card HB-YMM (1).pdf

View attachment Trend Analysis Report HB-YMM.pdf
Great system and free !!

Maybe some people don’t understand theirs no cost to just view your logs? Much easier to compare data than using my EFIS spreadsheet upload.
It's free data visualization.
The Report Card and Tend report are not free. Only free plots are pretty much the same you get in the plotting software from your engine analyzer vender.

In the Trend Report are there options on who you compare your data against? I would want to compare against more than just other RV-6s. It would be nice to see comparisons against other RV models or against entire fleet of aircraft, including non-EAB, with same or similar engine. Or would that require the paid service?
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Not free...

just curious why the rest are not using it. It's free data visualization.

Mickey, just a data point, and unless I missed something.
I do use periodically the Savvy plateform and while uploading and reviewing the engine data to Savvy is free, the report cards and trend analysis are only available to Savvy Pro and other plans with a fee.
The Pro plan is 129$/year.
Not saying that it's expensive vs the price of an engine, but it's not free.
When something is free, just remember you’re the product, not the customer. In this case, your data is feeding Savvy’s artificial intelligence models for finding hidden engine failures, notably their AI model that can detect valve failures way before you can. I’m sure they are working on other models for early detection of other types of failures.

So far, Savvy’s free analysis tools (and the data it gathers “for free”) seem like a benign and noble use of our data, and I am not against providing them free data since they seem to be doing ground breaking work with it, even though you have to pay to have access to the tools that the data feeds. Let’s hope they stay that way (and not turn into a spammy, scammy ad site selling our data).
It does not surprise me they might be mining data on the free side, but GIGO. I have one Savvy account that I use to occasionally look at data. I think it says RV-9a w/ IO-320 on the profile, but I have uploaded data using that account from three different Van models and two non-Van's, four different Lycoming models. I suppose the AI bot's brain explodes when it finds two extra cylinders on the 320? :)

As to why I don't use it for my -8, no recording capability.
The free portion is a great tool for doing GAMI spread analysis for operating LOP. I made my own spreadsheet but theirs is quicker/easier and has more functions. Good on them for making this available to anyone for free regardless of what they may be using the data for... at least they're not Google! ;)
The Report Card and Tend report are not free. Only free plots are pretty much the same you get in the plotting software from your engine analyzer vender.

In the Trend Report are there options on who you compare your data against? I would want to compare against more than just other RV-6s. It would be nice to see comparisons against other RV models or against entire fleet of aircraft, including non-EAB, with same or similar engine. Or would that require the paid service?

I've requested that they allow you to choose your "cohorts" since as you said, for the purpose of this analysis, any RV-6, RV-7, or RV-8 with an IO-360 will provide very similar value. I'll follow up on that, as I think it would add value and certainly more data points.
I have an RV 7 and a cirrus SR22TN

I have the data analysis plan for both. It is a bargain and interesting.

They turn around the analysis quickly. These data monitoring has been done forever in the turboprop and jet world.

If comfortable reviewing data on your own (and its not that hard) the free plan is also pretty fun.
Good tip, thanks. The current Advanced Flight pilot manual for their 5000-series has an ad for Savvy analysis in section on data logging. I think I’ll give them a try, see if the $129 data analysis is something I need.