The Wizzard

Well Known Member
I have been uploading my flights from my G3x to Cirrusreports for the last 2 years. My concern is that this website will eventually go away. I am able to download the fight data from the website into and Excel format however none of the engine data is saved. Other than downloading it into an excel spreadsheet before discarding it does anyone have a better idea on how to save this data?

Instead of uploading the data directly to (any) website, just copy the log files to your PC first and then upload later if you want. The log files are just .csv files which open with Excel directly. When you open the files with Excel, all the engine data is there too.
i have been using cirrusreports as well and enjoy reviewing my flights with it.

lately I have been unable to upload files to the site, anyone else have this problem?

Is there any other software out there that will graphically analyze a flight and superimpose it on a map?