Wayne Gillispie

Well Known Member
We are planning on taking a short family trip vfr from PMH-SAV and wanted to get your recommendations on fbo, car rental, hotel($150-$250/nt), things to do and places to eat. Thank you!
I have a daughter at SCAD, so KSAV is a frequent destination for us. Sheltair has given us uniformly excellent service, even to the point of loaning us a toyota van crew car to pack up my daughter's dorm room, then helping us load all the stuff in the airplane.

Pink House Resturant +++++++
Pirate House

Stay - Holiday Inn Express on River Street. Super nice hotel in the middle of the historic district. Say hello to Becky at the bar.

Please try "Satisfied". Used to be Loco's. On Broughton St. It's a neat sports bar. Say hello to step-daughter Cortnei for me.

Sheltair is a great FBO. Great people and great service.

I used to be based at Signature. You can walk to several hotels from there.
Tybee Island.

I am taking notes and really appreciate the advice. Keep it coming!

We will try to make it to Tybee and Hilton Head too.


Wife and I have been in Savannah for the last couple of days. I would stay on Tybee Island if I had it to do over.

If were you, I think I would rent a car and stay on the beach at Tybee Island. Maybe 20 minutes from the Historical District, but if your family likes the beach, I think it would be a way to go.

I checked one place out but I didn't look at the rooms. The DeSota Beach Hotel has oceanfront rooms for the basic rate of $89.95 weekdays and $189.95 weekends. (tax would probably be extra.) I wouldn't think that they are five star for that price, but it is off season in Nov. and it isn't Hilton Head. 877-786-4542.
www.desotobeachhotel.com Not promoting them and have no connection to them, just pointing you to a possible place to start.
Lot's of good advice from everybody here, Wayne. We met some friends in Savannah last spring for a long weekend. As many have noted, Sheltair is a good FBO and they are very GA/light aircraft friendly. We took one of the trolley tours while we were there and thoroughly enjoyed it. I am not usually too excited about things like that, but it was excellent. You will learn a lot about the history of Savannah and will see lots of interesting sights in a short time.
We stayed in a hotel out by the airport because my friend was in Gulfstream school at Flight Safety, so was staying out there. It was about a 20 minute drive to the historic district. Savannah is one of the places we want to visit again and spend a bit more time.
Have lived in Savannah for about 7 years - well, just outside technically. I can tell you you have to take a ghost tour. I know it sounds cheesy, but they are tons of fun if you have the slightest interest in history and have the ability to handle the late schedule (no young children, etc). Savannah is a great little city and really fun to walk through the historic area at midnight learning the history of the city and it's buildings.
Heading South on Friday Nov 2nd.

Looks like we are going to have good weather and plenty of things to do in Savannah/Tybee area. Returning Tue Nov 6th.