
Well Known Member
Just throwing it out there.

This coming Saturday (3/26) looks like a nice day to fly, so I'm heading to L45 for brunch (my first flight since shoulder surgery in January).

Anybody who wants to fly in is welcome to join.. Let's say 10am on the ramp.

C ya there.

I can’t make it this Saturday, but please keep the posts coming. I look forward to heading up to Bakersfield sometime soon.
No need for anybody to confirm on this thread. If you're in the neighborhood, great, if not, there will always be a next time.

I'm thinking of starting a SoCal thread at least once a month thru the summer. Other's can start a thread and pick a spot as well.

We used to have a really good crowd when we had the SoCal Yahoo group, but it's really died off, so let's all try to restart that here.

Any pirep on Porterville? Used to be very good. Maybe that's next so our NorCal brothers can join.

Other suggestions welcome.

Foxy’s in Lancaster (KWJF) is pretty good, and there are several RVs on the field.

Looking forward to meeting more of the SoCal RV community this summer.
+1 for Porterville

We stop at the dinner at the Porterville airport most trips in the area either in the RV-7A or the RV-Heavy (also riveted aluminum). Like most resturants, its a good idea to call and verify hours....

Woodlake O49

Was at Woodlake O49 yesterday for lunch after grabbing some 100LL in Mefford ($5.25). The runway at Woodlake isn’t the greatest, but fine for our RV’s. There’s a bump in the runway at the 25 runway numbers and the taxiway isn’t the best. I back taxied the runway. Also, the parking apron has some loose chunks & gravel, so park closer to the runway or other areas.

Otherwise, the food and service is great. You know it’s good if the place is packed with locals. Can’t beat the view on downwind to 25 with the lake and snow capped Sierra. :)