Jim Lewellyn

Well Known Member
I had a wonderful flight with some buddies on Saturday for an EAA breakfast. We took a short hop (86 nm) from Bloomsburg Municipal (N13) to Clearfield Lawrence (FIG). On the return trip my friend shot these pics from his A36 Bonanza. We were at 6800 MSL cruising along at 150 knots. I hope you enjoy the pics. RV's are AWESOME fun!

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Red RV-6

Glad you are enjoying your RV-6.
My hangar mate has a Long-ez too.
Nice pics!
Maybe we can meet half way sometime.
for a 50.00 burger......:)
$50 Burger


I just happen to have an extra $50 saved up, so let me know when you want to meet for that burger! I am looking forward to it.

You'll notice that the Long-EZ is behind me (I slowed down so he could get in the picture :D )! All kidding aside - His Long-EZ is a great little plane that really moves along on 118 HP.
