Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
The Calendar of Events page has been populated, but here it is, in short:
RV Red (320 cu in) and RV Blue (360 cu in) classes will be flown in every race.

14 March, Taylor 125, Taylor, TX
4 April, West Texas 100, Lubbock, TX
2 May, BCAF, Abilene, TX
2 May, Palmetto 125, Ridgeland, SC
30 May, Texoma 100, Sherman, TX
20 June, Denton 100, Denton, TX
26 July, AVC, Dayton, OH
22 August, RMFI, Denver, CO
26 September, Pagosa Springs 100, Pagosa Springs, CO
3 October, Grace Flight, Sherman, TX
17 October, Memphis 100, Memphis, TN
21 November, Rocket 100, Taylor, TX

Bob Axsom

I guess I should have said the details continue to emerge at under the "Calendar" link. Initially only the date and location are given but the information expands to provide the full course with Lat./Longs of turn points, etc.

Bob Axsom
RV Red Class (320 cu. in. Engine Displacement)

I just read a message from Chris Murphy who flys an RV-4 with a O-320 engine that says he probably will not fly in races this year that do not have other entries in his class. I would really hate to see that but I understand his point of view. If any of you folks with a 320 cu. in. engine powered RV would like to find your speed in a competitive environment this would be a good way to do it. I think there are a lot of you out there.

Bob Axsom
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Plainview instead of Lubbock

Mike Thompson advised that the April 4 West Texas 100 will be flown out of Plainview instead of Lubbock. Again, check Calendar of events for the latest information.

Bob Axsom
we will see

There is a good chance of a race being held at Courtland Alabama on June 13.

Details are being worked out now.

These races are too much fun to miss so expect to see me at some of the races this year. I keep hearing about a 220mph 320 RV-3 on this forum. Sure would like to see that in a race.

Chris Murphy race 34
There is a good chance of a race being held at Courtland Alabama on June 13.

Details are being worked out now.

These races are too much fun to miss so expect to see me at some of the races this year. I keep hearing about a 220mph 320 RV-3 on this forum. Sure would like to see that in a race.

Chris Murphy race 34

Done the math allready. Looks like a minimum 1000 m trip each way. A little too far for me.
RV3 978TM
how about TX or Colorado??

I just mentioned the Alabama race for the guys in the east or south east. Can you make it to Tx or Co for a race? If you plan to fly into OSH this summer the AV Cup is the best way to get there with the best parking spot too. With a little luck and good racing skills a 220 mph RV-3 could challenge most of the 360 class. That would blow the doors off of my RV-4 that tops out at about 210mph at 1000 msl. Once you do one of these races you will be hooked. It is alot of fun and the other racers are great people too.

Chris Murphy race34
I just mentioned the Alabama race for the guys in the east or south east. Can you make it to Tx or Co for a race? If you plan to fly into OSH this summer the AV Cup is the best way to get there with the best parking spot too. With a little luck and good racing skills a 220 mph RV-3 could challenge most of the 360 class. That would blow the doors off of my RV-4 that tops out at about 210mph at 1000 msl. Once you do one of these races you will be hooked. It is alot of fun and the other racers are great people too.

Chris Murphy race34

There's a couple of us that would do the Osh race but it starts on the wrong side of the US. Something I take into account is that if I were to break something being that far from home it would create quite a logistic problem.
Time and money are not on my side.
Maybe Next year

The AirVenture Cup team has started to try to accomodate the western pilots every other year by starting from the west in 2008. We took off from Mitchell, South Dakota and flew straight east to the Dodge County Airport south of Oshkosh. I really like that route better myself but this year we are going to fly out of Dayton's Wright Brothers Airport again. They are trying to get us into the Air Force Museum again the night before the race (Saturday) and the host dinner is always great. For me it is all about the race though and the thrill begins when they drop the flag for my start and we start to accellerate. The route from the east often changes slightly because of the populated areas and FAA concessions but the one from the west is a straight shot except for weather avoidance. I'm told that we will be back out west for the start in 2010. Bob Vasey flies his RV-3 each year in the RV Red class but Chris has beaten him the last two years and he is looking for new meat! Seriously, I hope you can make it as well.

Bob Axsom
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I'll take a look at it for 2010. Actually a few of us have done similar races . These were sponsored by RACE (Rutan and Canard Enthusiasts) For years it was a 5 or 6 race series of 100- 150 nm races. It was concieved as a canard only series, I was invited to race and I spread the word. Soon other RVs, Glassairs and Lancairs started showing up, some of them are now Reno Sport Class racers. I believe this is where Dave Anders got the racing bug and now the rest is history. Sadly they were stopped due to insurance reasons. A/C Spruce used to do a 320 nm race from Apple Valley Ca to Williams AZ for 4 or 5 years also, I managed a couple of podium finishes there as well.. Those races were abandoned for the same reasons, insurance. Another fun series were the Kilo trials. This was a four way run down and back the length of a measured runway with the speeds averaged out. Course judges and timers were fellow competitors so nobody fudged the results. Some of the numbers I posted on another thread were from those trials. Yes the racing is a lot of fun.
Lets see what 2010 brings
BTW it was fun to see the looks on the plastic airplane guys/gals faces when the clunky, square winged, fixed gear RVs started started kicking a little plastic butt.
Up to 14 races now for the 2009 season

I checked website under Calendar of Events and I found that There are a few changes:

- The West texas 100 location is changed to Plainview (between Lubbock and Amarillo)
- The race in Courtland, Alabama is now included in the list
- The Thunderbird 200 is added out west at Holbrook, Arizona

The list now appears:

14 March, Taylor 125, Taylor, Texas
4 April, West Texas 100, Plainview, Texas
2 May, BCAF and Air Race, Abilene, Texas
2 May, Palmetto 125, Ridgeland, South Carolina
30 May, Texoma 100, Sherman, Texas
13 June, Tennessee 100, Courtland, Alabama
20 June, Denton 100, Denton, Texas
26 July, AVC, Dayton, Ohio
22 August, RMFI, Denver, Colorado
6 September, Thunderbird 200, Holbrook, Arizona
26 September, Pagosa Springs 100, Pagosa Springs, Colorado
3 October, Grace Flight, Sherman, Texas
17 October, Memphis 100, Memphis, Tennessee
21 November, Rocket 100, Taylor, Texas

Bob Axsom