
Well Known Member
Once Phase I was complete, co-builder Todd and I decided to continue the overhauled engine break in process by flying from Wichita, KS to Dodge City, KS to overfly the Sante Fe Trail. Ground temps were 28* with a nice inversion at 6500' and very smooth. We pushed into Phase II with systems checks, auto pilot familiarization, Chelton familiarization and getting to know the plane better while co-pilot wrote down data. Much easier to follow the EAA syllabus with pilot handling the plane and co-pilot handling the write ups and checked box section.
Anyway, we had a great flight out. I let Todd fly my plane since he is a great mentor and incredible aluminum artist. Our selfie at 6500':

Sante Fe Trail from 7500':


Obviously, they did not know the way to Sante Fe, at least in a straight line. The grooves in the plains are 10-15 feet deep. Awesome sight from the air. We did not land but decided to "get the **** out of Dodge" with a return to Wichita to take daughter and grandsons up for a first flight for the boys while the winds were "calm", at least by Wichita standards.

Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
Phase I complete.
Congratulations on starting phase 2!

Congrats on getting your plane thru phase 1 successfully. Thats a great feeling.
Interesting, if you ever land in Dodge City look up CasaAlvarez on the west side of town for lunch.
I will look that up when I land at Dodge City. I never pass up lunch, although will never have the reputation like Vlad.

Pat Garboden
Katy, TX