
Well Known Member
Any of you guys that bought some Sanchem get to use it yet?

I hope to try mine this week and was wondering if anyone had tried it yet and what results and suggestions they have.

I bought small spray bottles for $1 each from Ace Hardware to put the stuff in so I can spray on a small amount then use the scotchbrite pad, rinse and spray on the next step and so on.

Less waste, less particles in the air no compressor. Seems like a plan.

We'll see how it works.
Sanchem Test

I did a small test but not enough to really tell how it works. In general I found that the cleaner takes more effort with the scotchbrite pad than Alumprep does. It takes much more work to get a completely clean component. I think the Sanchem cleaner is much weaker than Alumprep. After rincing the piece, I immersed it in the A/B mixture. Immersing should get the best results. I found that the surface conversion was somewhat inconsistant, leaving a mottled surface, rather than a nice even color, which could be due to poor cleaning, or my rince water is too hard. I'll need to try some more testing before I make an decision on using it.

Let me know how yours turns out.
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