
Well Known Member
Over Memorial Day weekend, we loaded up the plane and headed to the San Juan Islands from Salt Lake City. About six months earlier, I found an ad in the back of Pilot Getaway Magazine for a cabin on Decatur Island, ¼ mile from a 2500’ grass strip. The cabin came with a gas-powered golf cart. So, around December, we booked our Memorial Day weekend and ended up inviting my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and niece.

I was excited about the trip but I had no idea how great this place really is. We plan to go back again. Without a doubt, it is our favorite flying destination so far. The San Juan Islands were made for pilots.


We left Salt Lake on Thursday afternoon with overcast skies and flew north to Burley, ID with our first stop at Nampa, ID. The winds were around 20 knots gusting to 28 just about right down the runway. It was a smooth flight and Paige (my 16-month old niece) who enjoyed watching ‘Finding Nemo’ on the first leg with chowing down on cheese.


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After our stop in Nampa, the skies started breaking and our next stop was Redmond, OR for fuel. Our plan was to stop in Redmond and fly to Seaside, OR right on the coast, but the weather was thick on the west side of the mountains so we decided to take a quick flight to Sisters, OR for the night. We had some great views of all the high peaks along the Cascades.



In Sisters OR, I called the Best Western and got us a couple of rooms and then started looking around for someone driving by who might give a ride to the motel. No luck, so I made a call back to the Hotel Manager and he graciously came over and picked us up. The rooms were incredible and I highly recommend this hotel if you are ever in the area. The airport is fun to land with a narrow but long runway. It is set between the trees and homes that make it a simply beautiful place to fly to and land. It is a private airport so there is a $10 landing fee.


We ate across the street that night and woke up the next morning to light rain. We fed the llamas that they have at the hotel waiting for the weather to lift. I still wanted to try and get to the coast but there was no way. The weather over the mountains was horrible and there was icing at the 8000 ft. level so IFR was out of the question. The weather was clear to the north so we decided to just go north and cut across the mountains east of Seattle. Our afternoon flight on Friday was beautiful and I can’t imagine a better flight to the islands.
We left Sisters around 1pm and headed north across the Columbia River Gorge (The Dalles airport) then to Ellensburg and followed I-90 to Seattle. The pass on I-90 is called Stampede Pass which has an ASOS that makes it nice to check weather. We had 3000 – 12000’ ceilings with 4000’ ceilings at Stampede Pass. I could hear people going over this pass as I started getting closer. I think Paige slept almost the whole way.




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As we came into Seattle, it was breathtaking as the cloud blanket met the mountain peaks. We flew over Arlington, over Naval Air Station Whidbey Island and then to Decatur Island. We would be landing at the Decatur Shores airport.




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The pattern at Decatur Shores is right traffic due to Center Island located just off the shores of Decatur Island. All the airports on the San Juan Islands use the same frequency, 128.25. We set up for right downwind, lowered the flaps and arrived on the islands. The RV-10 stopped in about half the length of the runway. This island is not friendly for go-arounds so you have to hit your speeds on final or go-around early.

Center Island on the bottom left and Decatur Island.


Turning Final at Decatur Shores

Decatur Island has nothing but one so-called convenient store with minimal food that is open 5 days a week from 12-5. They don’t even have garbage service so you have to take everything with you. (Although we were able to pay someone $10 to take ours for us.)

We dropped off our passengers and my wife and I took off for Friday Harbor for fuel and groceries. I love the power of these planes at sea level, it something we don’t get to feel living in Salt Lake City.

We landed in Friday Harbor and walked into town (10 min. walk) to King’s Market for groceries. Thank goodness there was taxi service back to the airport (we bought too much to carry back). They had carts at the airport for taking stuff to/from your plane. We headed back to Decatur Shores over Lopez Island, loaded up the golf cart with groceries, tied down the plane and headed for the cabin.

Friday Harbor



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Lopez Island

Right Base at Decatur Shores

Final Approach to 33 at Decatur Shores

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We visited Friday Harbor, Roche Harbor and Orcas (Eastsound) while we were at the islands. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to travel around the island. I had many recommendations to get a car at Orcas Island but we just ran out of time. We enjoyed exploring our island and walking on the shores. I knew we would be back so we didn’t want to make it too busy.

Friday Harbor – We enjoyed Friday Harbor. It was busy but they had great shops, places to buy mussels and crabs right on the street with plenty of restaurants. It was fun watching the seaplanes come in and out. The ferry runs to/from Friday Harbor if you want to drive.



I had to throw this shot in to prove to Stein that I do advertise for him!

Roche Harbor – I had read that Roche Harbor had famous donuts. We decided to have breakfast there on Sunday. This was incredible and I would seriously consider staying here when we go back. There was a $10 landing fee but the approach was worth $100. You come in right over the harbor and town, make a small right turn and park on the grass with a 5-minute walk to town. They manufactured lime from limestone at Roche Harbor in the late 1800’s using the kilns you can see in the pictures. We enjoyed the breakfast at Roche Harbor, walked around their gardens which were amazing and spent some time looking at the yachts on the docks. Canada is about 10 miles away from Roche Harbor and it is the main customs port for arriving boats.

History or Roche Harbor

View of Roche Harbor on Final



Looking towards the harbor
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Orcas Island – We didn’t have much time on Orcas Island so I can’t comment on it too much. As for the town, it is in-between Friday Harbor and Roche Harbor in size. It has the highest peak in the San Juan Islands and many more restaurant options than Roche Harbor.

We landed and had heard about the biplane guy. I believe his name is Rod and his story was fascinating. Here is a link to his website.
His hanger is like an old attic with stuff everywhere. Paige headed right for the small planes on the ground and of course she wanted the pink one. I guess I can get a pink Extra 300 for her someday.

They have a nice “nature” walk from the airport to the town where we ate dinner at Verns. It was recommended from many of the locals. It was great food with a nice view of the bay.






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This trip was incredible and the pictures don’t do it justice. I’m sure many of you north westerners have done this trip many times but I highly recommend it to anyone. We will definitely do it again someday.



The flight home was non-eventful. We did it in one stop from Decatur Island to Nampa, ID for fuel and a P&J sandwich and then straight home to Salt Lake City. The flight time was 4 hours and 10 minutes. We had light rain around the island in the morning but it was perfect flying weather.

It must have been smooth, my passengers slept the whole first leg so we just kept going and going.



This is one of my favorite pictures of all time. Notice how the mic is strategically placed to hold Paige’s binky in.

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San Juan Islands Trip Write Up

Dear Scott and ReNae:

Your pictures with Paige makes Ann and I wonder when you guys are going to take the plunge and start your own family. You obviously would make great parents.

We loved your trip write ups, keep them coming.

Dear Scott and ReNae,

Thank you so very much for posting these pictures. You could work for one of those travel magazines!!! I'm completely sold.

Best always,
Great Photos

Wow! What a great trip write up. I live in SoCal, and would love to take a similar trip when my 9A is done. Thanks so much for sharing.:)
Very nice

We went up to Orcas Is for a week in our old Zodiac from Corvallis...Its just over an hour away by RV...:)

Beautiful place
Awesome! I always look forward to your write-ups and pics... keep'em coming!

For some reason, I now have a sudden urge to build a -10. ;)
Thank you and a question....

Dear Scott and ReNae,

Incredible write up and pictures. Thank you for sharing this with us! I made sure to forward the link to my Wife.

I noticed you had an in-dash DVD player. What model? Any EMI issues? Is the display easy to see when it's bright outside? Would you do it again?

In-dash DVD

I noticed you had an in-dash DVD player. What model? Any EMI issues? Is the display easy to see when it's bright outside? Would you do it again?


It is a Clarion DVD. In bright sunlight it is difficult to see. But it was overcast that day and was easy to see. I also have screens in the back seats and they are great in any condition. I would do it again but will upgrade when someone comes out with a sunlight viewable DVD player. It really entertains the small children on longer flights. The DVD player was added up front so that kids could watch in the back. Another easy way to go is the portable units that can hang over the seats. That way you don't have to carry it around with you the whole time.

If I wasn't going to have young children in the plane I wouldn't add it. When it is just my wife and I we just listen to XM radio or CD's.

Man, your pictures are killin' me. I'm starting to get that feeling -- something akin to the way I felt about 4.5 years ago. Oh wife will never forgive me this time... ;););)

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Man, you're pictures are killin' me. I'm starting to get that feeling -- something akin to the way I felt about 4.5 years ago. Oh wife will never forgive me this time... ;););)


I loved your pictures from your trip too. Looks like your getting some great use of your plane. Maybe we will have to do a group RV flight up this direction someday.

I was just checking out some the homes you can rent around Roche Harbor on There are some 1/4 mile from the runway right on the water. I think will try one of those next time. I would have love to rent some bikes and cruise around the islands.

You already have it made with your wife. She has the vision of what an airplane really is about. Now she needs to get her license so you can build another one when the next one is on the way.

By the way, this was the first time I've shot with my new Canon G9 on a flying trip. I really like this camera. I have a filter for it but I forgot it on this trip. It is still a point and shoot but is big enough to have some good light gathering.

This trip really surprised me with the beauty and the different airports you could fly to, get out of the plan and watch around town. How can life be any better than that? OK, and being able to play with my niece is always fun.

By the way, I read your trip report and you need an RV-10 when the time comes, she won't kill you. Pretty soon your son will be bucking rivets with you. I think there are some great deals out there right now on completed ones and partially completed ones. I love this plane more and more every hour that I get on it (just turned 375). The RV-10 is fun to fly like an RV-7, great visibility and is very economical.
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RE:Aern't these RV great......

Scott & ReNae

Beautiful in every respect. Thanks for the great write up and PIX.... I felt like I was there with you................BUT.............SGU is so much closer and ever so lush and green....NOT .....I can see way you decided to go north and not south to Southern Utah.

Aren't these RV's if I can just get those last 987 details complete............

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A.... Last 987 details............
Very Nice

Thanks Scott for the write up. I have friends that live there and they have been bugging me to visit for years. This write up may have been the motivation to do so for sure.
Great Trip Report


I thoroughly enjoyed your pictures and narrative of the trip to San Juan Islands. I have met you a couple of times. I was the other red RV-8 with Joe Waltz when we met you in the air over Salt Lake on our return from our Idaho trip last October. Glad to see your beautiful airplane is still doing fantastic work. Your little niece is quite adorable, but of course you already know that. Good work!!

Sam Ward (Deuce)
Hi Sam.


I thoroughly enjoyed your pictures and narrative of the trip to San Juan Islands. I have met you a couple of times. I was the other red RV-8 with Joe Waltz when we met you in the air over Salt Lake on our return from our Idaho trip last October. Glad to see your beautiful airplane is still doing fantastic work. Your little niece is quite adorable, but of course you already know that. Good work!!

Sam Ward (Deuce)

Hi Sam, I remember you. Here are some pictures of that day.
I wish I could have joined you on that trip still.
Thanks for the compliment. She is cute and always has a smile on her face.



Have a great week.
Built a 4 seat airplane

You only do that for one reason...Yup kids are on the way for sure..:)
What pressure!

Yeah man, when!?!?! Your fans and the world in general need an answer!

This reminds me of a card my mom gave us after we were married. It said something like, "I bet you were getting tired of all those questions about when you were ever going to get married. Well at least you don't have to answer that anymore....................So when are you going to have kids?"

I feel like I have a bunch of kids between all my friends children, my dog and the RV. The RV had a gestation period of 34 months and is only 15.625 days old now (in airplane years).
You've done it again!

Well, Scott, you've done it again. I think this travel report may top your previous winners if that is possible. The story is great, the pictures make everyone want to go there this coming weekend and we will all have trouble getting in the same cabin you folks used..(grin). So if you hear about some distant calamity about an overcrowded airport, mobbed island, RV's all over the place... it's us.

Thanks for sharing your family, and adventures with us all.:)
Also, I have to say Thanks for another reason. I'm trying to get my wife to fly with me. Saw your post and sent it to her. "Cool! I get it. 100%" she said.

Very nice


Very nice trip report. Motivates me to get out there and finish my project. One of these days, I'll be able to post a trip report.... for now, just a few build report.

Marc Hudson
Travel log-SAN JUAN'S

Scott: WOW! you did a fantastic job of describing your trip.San Juan travel office should send you a check, I'm sure you generated many more trips.
Great, that is the idea!

Also, I have to say Thanks for another reason. I'm trying to get my wife to fly with me. Saw your post and sent it to her. "Cool! I get it. 100%" she said.


That is great. Well if that trip doesn't get a passenger excited then I don't know what would. When your island hopping you are in the air for 5 minutes before entering another pattern to land, just long enough to see some incredible sights and short enough to leave you wanting more.

A trip like that is fun for both the husbands and the wives. They had little shops and local artists selling necklaces, beads, clothing, ect.......

When they have the Van's banquet at Oshkosh, typically there are many wives supporting their husbands and I always thought that this a great time to get them excited, involved and see the opportunity this plane offers. I have sent e-mails to Van encouraging them to have husbands and wives, and better yet just the wives, share stories about their trips instead of Ken doing an engineering dissertation (as an engineer I do enjoy it Ken). At least make it half for the "non flying" wives and half engineering talk. I didn't do the BBQ last year so I don't know if they still do that. But when I started taking RaNae to Oshkosh (around 1999), the dinner discussions were torture for her. She had been dating me since 1993 so she was use to the "nerd" talk.

Maybe we need to have an RV Fly-In in the San Juan's. And if you live a long way away, have your wife take commercial to Seattle the first time and pick her up there. The trip from Seattle to the San Juan's is 15 minutes.
And that, folks, is a clinic in how to do a trip write up! Thanks for sharing, Scott. I have soooo much to look forward to in this hobby/passion/lifestyle.

I just showed your pics to my wife who said, "oowww that would be a nice
place to visit...but I wouldn't want to fly more that three hours or so."
(I told her it was an hour and a half from here at 200 miles an hour!
Oh that's not bad she said.

Thanks again, Scott.

Maybe two years or so till the wild blue yonder.:D With my wife...after that
photo expose'
Re: Indash DVD

It is a Clarion DVD. In bright sunlight it is difficult to see. But it was overcast that day and was easy to see. I also have screens in the back seats and they are great in any condition. I would do it again but will upgrade when someone comes out with a sunlight viewable DVD player. It really entertains the small children on longer flights. The DVD player was added up front so that kids could watch in the back. Another easy way to go is the portable units that can hang over the seats. That way you don't have to carry it around with you the whole time.

If I wasn't going to have young children in the plane I wouldn't add it. When it is just my wife and I we just listen to XM radio or CD's.

Thanks, Scott. I had hoped you found a good solution. I briefly looked at portable units (both the DVD variety and mp3/mpeg variety) but I didn't find anything that had good sunlight visibility. On one occasion, I asked the sales dude if a particular model had a transreflective display (ala EFIS displays). I only got confused looks. Go figure. :)

Take care and keep those trip reports coming in!
No Commercial for her

Thought I would post a copy of the note Marietta (my wife) sent me after looking through the thread. (man I've got a lot of flight hours to work on after OUR 9A gets flying..... and she says a travel track for the BBQ would be great)

Subject: San Juan
>Maybe we need to have an RV Fly-In in the San Juan's. And if you live a
long way away, have your wife take commercial to Seattle the first time and pick
her up there. The trip from Seattle to the San Juan's is 15 minutes.
>Scott Schmidt
>Salt Lake City, UT

Oh NO, NO, NO !!! No commercial to Seattle for me! I'm going the WHOLE
WAY from here to there!!! And take the LOOOONG way around getting there!!
Thought I would post a copy of the note Marietta (my wife) sent me after looking through the thread. (man I've got a lot of flight hours to work on after OUR 9A gets flying..... and she says a travel track for the BBQ would be great)
Scott deserves a $20 from each of us for inspiring ourselves and our families. Thanks again, buddy.

Thank you.

Scott deserves a $20 from each of us for inspiring ourselves and our families.

I know what gas prices are, better keep the money and just get your planes to Oshkosh this year. Hard to believe it is less than two months away.

But thanks for the thought. I hope it helps you get a trip planned.:):)
Hi Scott,

What a fantastic post!

Your trip is amazing.
I am glad to see you can travel with kids the way you do.

I cannot wait to have a plane to travel with my family!

Thank you so much.

Sebastian Dundee
Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada