Well Known Member
Hey," left coasters"! Is there any RVing going on in the mentioned areas on 4/24-25/10? This "right coaster" is going to be in your area and have some time over the weekend to see what's going on. Fly-ins, projects, completed, etc. I just want a chance to possibly meet some of you and see planes I have never seen.:cool:
come on, guys and gals

Is there really nothing in So Cal going on next weekend? Nobody wants to show off their plane? I thought there was a large group of VAF members out there. Or is it you just like want to show a "right coaster" around. Am I gonna have to spend my time at the San Diego Zoo instead of talking RVs? :confused:
I posted your original post (complete with link to it) to the SoCAL Yahoo Group within a few hours of it posting here.

Unfortunately no one responded.

I know of two RVs that were at Stockton for the Bonanza Formation clinic. There were 25 RV that flew to Aqua Dulce for the BBQ.

From the SoCAL Group:
"1st Annual Agua Dulce RV fly In.
Thanks very much for hosting the 1st Annual Agua Dulce RV fly In. It was
great fun, great food, good friends, and good flying.

I was pleasantly surprised, based on what I thought was a lack of responses,
to the very good turn out we had. I counted about 25 RVs and everyone was
having a good time.

Agua Dulce airport is Beautiful and everyone enjoyed themselves very much.

Wayne, thanks very much for hosting the Fly In. It is great to have Agual
Dulce Airport b ack on our RV "Fly to" list.

I hope we see you all at our Chino RV fly In and Planes of Fame Airshow on
May 15, 2010. Look for an announcement soon.

Dave Klages - RV-8 - "Hog""

Sorry I did not post something sooner. I had surgery Wednesday and presently am not able to fly.
Thanks, Gary

I hope we get some responses from that. I appreciate your help.
