
Well Known Member
San Antonio area RV folks!

I'm trying to find either a current RV owner who'd be interested in a responsible co-owner or someone who'd be interested in buying a flying RV together. I'm PCSing to Randolph AFB and expect to be here for approximately 4 years, but maybe longer. Even if there's someone with a RV who would like to have a co-owner/partner in the short term, especially with the recent ecomony, I'd be open to that.

Ideally, I'm interested in an IFR platform (at least night VFR), nosewheel preferred. I'm interested in RV-6a/7a/8a/9a/10 airframes specifically.

I'd be grateful of any leads on certified aircraft, too, in the mean time in case the right RV co-owner situation doesn't come around. Bottom line, I'd be open to almost any model if it's the right person and situation.

I plan on moving to the north to northeast part of town, but would be willing to drive a reasonable distance to any field in the greater San Antonio area (New Braunfels, San Marcos, etc.). I appreciate any possibilities and would be happy to meet in person with any prospects.

Even though I've been in the area for my residency training in the past 3 years, my time has been consumed by it so much that I haven't really broken into the aviation community here enough. I'm hoping this will help put me in touch with at least one good prospect. Maybe you know someone who's considering selling (b/c s/he isn't flying enough) or a similar situation where a parnter in ownership would be helpful for us both. If so, please lt me know! You can PM me or email via rsmchugh at hotmail dot com.

RV-NV :) & long-time lurker
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Still looking

Would also consider being a non-equity partner. Looking for any prospects, will iron out details to make both of us happy.

Gotta be someone out there...

Any current owners looking to partner up? Otherwise, I have my eyes on a couple decent purchase options that would be do-able with a partner in the San Antonio area. Rented a C172 to Dallas and back the other weekend and would love the speed of an RV instead!

RV NV ;)
Found anyone yet? I won't have the money to purchase or build for a year, but I might be interested. PM me if ya like.
Already found a plane & co-owner

Guess I could have closed this thread earlier but 1 month ago I bought a flying 9a with another guy here in San Antonio. Would be happy to give you a ride though if you'd like. Check PM...

I'll share my experience soon on VAF. So far, very good!

hey ryan - meant to ask...

did you find someone else for the rest of the hangar yet? if not, i'll refer an acquaintance who might be interested...tho it's a bit of a drive for him too. don o.
Hangar 1/2 still available


We don't have a hangar partner locked in at this time, so we're entertaining any possibilities. I'd be interested in meeting him, too. Have him give me a call... 2 1 0 eight 6 1 4598

First RV ride

Thanks to Ryan for sharing a ride in his RV today. What a blast. Beautiful airplane. Thanks a ton!

- Ron