
Just a quick poll..no need for endless debate. Side by side comparison, an all new panel with a 10 inch screen, radio/transponder/GPS/ADS-B, EIS, Autopilot for VFR flight only.
I have two quotes, one all-Garmin, the other all-Dynon. The Garmin is 12K more. For my needs, is Garmin worth 12K more?
What do you, those who know both systems think?
the Garmin panel or the Dyon panel?
one or the other, no need to elaborate.
Mike in Boulder
Just a quick poll..no need for endless debate. Side by side comparison, an all new panel with a 10 inch screen, radio/transponder/GPS/ADS-B, EIS, Autopilot for VFR flight only.
I have two quotes, one all-Garmin, the other all-Dynon. The Garmin is 12K more. For my needs, is Garmin worth 12K more?
What do you, those who know both systems think?
the Garmin panel or the Dyon panel?
one or the other, no need to elaborate.
Mike in Boulder

Haha while I haven’t flown behind the G3X I have played with it. I have the full Dynon suite and there is noooooo way in heck the Garmin setup is worth another 12k if as you say it is apples to apples comparison.
Dynon HDX

RV-6A I0-360 VFR only
Single Dynon 10" HDX, dual coms, two axis auto pilot, ADSB in and out, with
Garmin A245 audio panel, Dual bose A-20 Lemo. SDS Ignition and fuel injection. Dual batteries and alternators.
Time to Go fly Art
Installed both, both great systems. Dynon support after sale and repair is why i became a Dynon dealer and have zero desire to be a Garmin dealer.

Installed several now.
12 thousand is a lot. Perhaps it would be useful to post a list of what's included in the two quotes, in case there are undisclosed equipment/capability differences that would drive a price difference.

I had Advanced Flight Systems build a Panel-less panel using their Advanced Control Module. Almost entirely plug and play. I have to pin the lights and sticks but virtually everything else just plugs in. The ACM handles power, data, audio, etc. Two HDX, all four small boxes. No IFR Nav but that plugs in later if I want.
Shoot me an e-mail. I can share the invoice.
I struggle to believe a $12k difference is apples to apples.

Can you post the quotes? Last time I did a comparison they were under $1k apart.

Oh, and there’s no way to get an impartial answer to which is better. You have to use both with someone familiar with the system and see which one you like best. For us that’s been Garmin for two airplanes now.

To give you an idea, here's a web-advertised price on a G3X system, which itself totals under $12k :)
Of course that's not your setup and includes things you don't need but also skips some things you might want, but it gives you an idea of how they just can't be 12k apart.
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Take a look at GRT, my dual 10.1" with remote com and xpnedr and ARINC module was only 13K total a couple years ago. Cant imaging prices have gone up that much.
Something is not right!

I did a panel upgrade a couple years ago. Compared Dynon HDX and Garmin G3X - not much difference in price. I ended up with Dynon, but not because of a price difference. Something is not right…..
Haha while I haven’t flown behind the G3X I have played with it. I have the full Dynon suite and there is noooooo way in heck the Garmin setup is worth another 12k if as you say it is apples to apples comparison.

I'd have to see the quotes to believe a $12K difference.

Without hard numbers to throw out, Stein told me when I was trying to decide, that If I was making an IFR panel going all Garmin was a bit cheaper than Dynon. If I was putting a VFR panel together, Dynon was bit cheaper.

In the end, I put together an all Garmin IFR panel with 1, 10" PFD and 2, 7" MFDs for less than $30K. Granted that was two years ago on the pricing.
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I'd have to see the quotes to believe a $12K difference.

Without hard numbers to throw out, Stein told me when I was trying to decide, that If I was making an IFR panel going all Garmin was a bit cheaper than Dynon. If I was putting a VFR panel together, Dynon was bit cheaper.

In the end, I put together an all Garmin IFR panel with 1, 10" PFD and 2, 7" MFDs for less than $30K. Granted that was two years ago on the pricing.

Ya I wonder too if something is a skew. With that price difference it seems like a navigator is in the garmin quote. Crazier things have happened though.
One thing to keep in mind is garment will kill you on subscription when Dynon is free. If you want the IFR subscription for the Dynon you’ll go through Seattle Avionics and it’s a fraction compared to Garman. I have a full Dynon system with dual HDX and I got no complaints
I have flown a LOT with both the Garmin and the Dynon systems and I can honestly say they are both awesome. But IMHO, the Dynon is more user friendly to use while flying. Things are just where a pilot expects them with little to no need to learn a particular series of steps. To me that gives the Dynon a slight edge over the Garmin G3X and significantly better than the G500/G1000 systems.

Remember, these are EFIS systems NOT IFR navigators. If you are going to fly IFR, you will need appropriate IFR navigation equipment no matter which of these systems you select. If the Garmin quote included an IFR navigator that might explain the $12,000 difference in price.

I recommend you get a few flights with both of them so you can compare and figure out what is best for you. You can't go wrong no matter which one of these you decide on. Personally, after years of flying behind both sysyems am so glad I went with the Dynon SkyView system for my airplane. YMMV

2021 Panel.jpg
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I'll be considering this issue soon. I have had dual 10" Skyview in my RV-6 since 2015. Last year I upgraded to dual HDX. Dynon fulfills my day VFR mission. I rarely use the autopilot when flying locally but I'm glad I have it. At the time Dynon was less expensive so an easy choice. I also have one GTR 200 radio and use the built-in intercom.

Now I am building an RV-9 and having to choose again. I want dual 10" displays. I've heard the price difference Dynon vs Garmin is not an issue. The person I helped who upgraded my panel in 2015 recommends Garmin this time. He has done numerous panel upgrades. He says Garmin has much better engineering and capability if someone decides upgrading to IFR.

His recommendation is a Garmin VFR panel with an audio panel. The audio panel has better audio quality than the GTR 200 built-in. When I sell the plane (I'm 69, it's a matter when not if) the Garmin plus IFR ready will improve the resale value.

I don't know yet. I will visit with Stein in the next few months and get some real cost numbers. I do favor the Dynon because it has served me well and free updates. Do I need periodic Garmin updates if I am flying VFR and I have an iPhone and iPad with Foreflight?
If anybody is coming thru Louisville Ky area, we are always happy to show and fly anyone in an RV behind the Dynon/Avidyne combination before you make a commitment either way.
I have two quotes, one all-Garmin, the other all-Dynon. The Garmin is 12K more. For my needs, is Garmin worth 12K more?

If this sort of thing were posted on any of the many other internet forums I've frequented in the past, I'd immediately think it was bait. Since this is VAF though, I'll assume it is a real question.

For a true apples/apples panel is Garmin worth 12K more? Definitely not.

Having said that, I'll be removing my panel shortly (next few days) and installing a new Garmin based IFR panel. As others have said, something isn't right with the math. Garmin may be a bit of a premium, but nowhere near 12K.
Do a search for the reported number of in-flight failures of Dynon vs. Garmin, that might help you in your choice. Also, I will tend to agree with those who doubt the $12K difference for the apple to apple list of product.

Also, it will be well worth to give GRT a consideration. Though a much smaller company than Dynon or Garmin, their product is as good and possibly superior.
I purchased mine last year, and the quoted prices were very similar between Dynon and Garmin. I was left alone in a room with 2 RV10 panels. 1 running Garmin, the other Dynon and told to find my way around both panels with zero instruction and I would know very quickly which system is the most intuitive for me. The decision was made within 30 minutes. Some people are Android, and others are Apple.
Is this a thing? I'm sure it happens but I haven't heard of in flight failures of either.

Yes, there has been multiple in-flight failures on this very site. None that I know of has been in IMC condition, nevertheless....
I purchased mine last year, and the quoted prices were very similar between Dynon and Garmin. I was left alone in a room with 2 RV10 panels. 1 running Garmin, the other Dynon and told to find my way around both panels with zero instruction and I would know very quickly which system is the most intuitive for me. The decision was made within 30 minutes. Some people are Android, and others are Apple.
So..... which one did YOU wind up getting? Curious minds want to know. ;)
I chose Dynon for my VFR panel on my RV-3B project. The main reason was that it seemed easier to use, based only on the operating manuals for each.

I initially chose GRT because of the uniformly excellent reviews on VAF. However, after being totally unable to figure out some things in their installation manual, I decided that I'd have a calmer life by choosing a different brand. Less installation stress. If their manuals have improved, though, I figure they'd absolutely be worth considering.

Haven't flown yet so can't tell you how it worked out.

Recommend playing with both

Just a quick poll..no need for endless debate. Side by side comparison, an all new panel with a 10 inch screen, radio/transponder/GPS/ADS-B, EIS, Autopilot for VFR flight only.
I have two quotes, one all-Garmin, the other all-Dynon. The Garmin is 12K more. For my needs, is Garmin worth 12K more?
What do you, those who know both systems think?
the Garmin panel or the Dyon panel?
one or the other, no need to elaborate.
Mike in Boulder


I'd recommend playing with both systems. My case is a little different from yours as I'm looking for full IFR, but I was quoted Dynon and Garmin from same dealer and the price difference was negligible. My dealer (SteinAir) had mock ups of both side-by-side. I spent quite a bit of time in that room and for my background and needs, decided on Garmin. The hands-on was crucial in my decision! Good luck.
I think Garmin makes a good product, but I am not a fan. I put in 2 HDX 1100 screens and one HDX 800 screen plus all the other optional equipment Dynon has to offer including the 3 axis auto pilot. I also put in a Garmin GTN650 for IFR navigation. I built the whole panel and wired it myself despite not having any prior experience. It was easy. At the time Garmin would not give you an installation manual, but of course I bootlegged one. I hardly needed it because the Dynon installation manual covered wiring for every Garmin Navigator made.
The Dynon system will drive the auto pilot using the Garmin 650 quite nicely. You can also use the Dynon navigation system so I have backup. The VOR receiver in the Garmin lets me do am ILS when necessary and that has been useful.

The only thing lacking in my system is the ability to upload flight plans from my Ipad. I do not view that as a serious problem because I can put in a flight plan pretty fast with the new QWERTY keyboard. Besides I really dislike putting anything in the 650 until I have my clearance.

The data base updates for an all Garmin system are pretty expensive. I only subscribe to the NAV data updates. Dynon gives me everything else free.
So..... which one did YOU wind up getting? Curious minds want to know. ;)

Apple :D

With zero experience with either, I found frequencies, nearest field, set a course etc. I know that I could learn to use either, but the Garmin was the easiest for me to just figure it out. That being said, all of my friends currently flying feel the same way about the Dynon. I've been very happy with Garmin tech support (I'm still building), and others have said the same for Dynon. You get to build your plane the way you want.
The only thing lacking in my system is the ability to upload flight plans from my Ipad. I do not view that as a serious problem because I can put in a flight plan pretty fast with the new QWERTY keyboard. Besides I really dislike putting anything in the 650 until I have my clearance.

The data base updates for an all Garmin system are pretty expensive. I only subscribe to the NAV data updates. Dynon gives me everything else free.

Why do folks keep saying Dynon updates are free (true for VFR only), if you compare apples to apples though they are not 'Free'.
Dynon Charts/procedures/airport diagrams are $119yr (Feb 2022) compared to Garmin's full nav package for G3X is $149 and includes other things such as Safe Taxi, Obstacles, Terrain, AOPA etc.

NavData for the GTN to keep you IFR legal is $299/yr.. (your only other choice is Avidyne, which is even more).

G3X touch will push FF or Garmin Pilot flight plans to both the G3X and your Garmin IFR navigator. (this comes in really handy when you get a routing from He** from ATC).

This thread started with bad info (bogus price comparisons) and it keeps getting worse, and it seems like to OP doesn't have anything to add or will support his claim of 12k higher price.

And just my 2c, if you have never flown with any of them, looking at pictures won't help you decide which is "better".

Ok, rant over.
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Why do folks keep saying Dynon updates are free (true for VFR only), if you compare apples to apples though they are not 'Free'.
Dynon Charts/procedures/airport diagrams are $119yr (Feb 2022) compared to Garmin's full nav package for G3X is $149 and includes other things such as Safe Taxi, Obstacles, Terrain.

NavData for the GTN to keep you IFR legal is $299/yr.. (other than Avidyne, which is even more).

G3X touch will push FF or Garmin Pilot flight plans to both the G3X and your IFR navigator. (comes in really handy when you get a routing from He** from ATC).

This thread started with bad info (price comparisons) and it keeps getting worse, and it seems like to OP doesn't have anything to add or will support his claim of 12k higher price.

When it comes to comparing brand/type A vs brand/type B, I find it often times (some) people make the comparison to support their view with little regards to objectivity. EI, tip up/slider or tail dragger/nose wheel are good example of that.
Why do folks keep saying Dynon updates are free (true for VFR only), if you compare apples to apples though they are not 'Free'.
Dynon Charts/procedures/airport diagrams are $119yr (Feb 2022) compared to Garmin's full nav package for G3X is $149 and includes other things such as Safe Taxi, Obstacles, Terrain, AOPA etc.

NavData for the GTN to keep you IFR legal is $299/yr.. (your only other choice is Avidyne, which is even more).

G3X touch will push FF or Garmin Pilot flight plans to both the G3X and your Garmin IFR navigator. (this comes in really handy when you get a routing from He** from ATC).

This thread started with bad info (bogus price comparisons) and it keeps getting worse, and it seems like to OP doesn't have anything to add or will support his claim of 12k higher price.

And just my 2c, if you have never flown with any of them, looking at pictures won't help you decide which is "better".

Ok, rant over.

Agreed, it's starting to feel that this was a trolling thread after all.