
Well Known Member
The Sam James plenum and cowl results in the top of the baffles being cut lower than the Vans cowl. This lowers the position of the oil cooler, putting it more directly behind cyl #4, rather than above it. Logically, that creates incentive for mounting the cooler on thefirewall, but Sam's printed 'structions say that mounting the cooler on the firewall results in oil temperatures 30F higher. :eek: Are there any flying 7As/9As that can speak to the accuracy of (or refute) Sam's claim? I'd sure like to avoid oil cooling problems/hassles.
Mine is fine

My std. Van's oil cooler is mounted directly behind the cylinder with absolutely minimum clearance to avoid rubbing. Here in MI, I run a full size baffle behind the oil cooler all year to try to get the temps up to 180 and often cannot. I think you would find the firewall very crowded if you tried to mount the cooler there. Just today on this forum I was reading about some SJ cowls on 7A's with cooling problems but my experience is the opposite. My cooling is extremely effective, maybe even too much so. I have been told that the air on top of the engine is still cold, so that seems to be the case. PM me if you need pics.
Oil cooler Sam James cowl

Mountedthe oil cooler on the baffle. No issues or problems. Flying 4 years.
The Sam James plenum and cowl results in the top of the baffles being cut lower than the Vans cowl. This lowers the position of the oil cooler, putting it more directly behind cyl #4, rather than above it. Logically, that creates incentive for mounting the cooler on thefirewall, but Sam's printed 'structions say that mounting the cooler on the firewall results in oil temperatures 30F higher. :eek: Are there any flying 7As/9As that can speak to the accuracy of (or refute) Sam's claim? I'd sure like to avoid oil cooling problems/hassles.

Hi Terry,

I don't know anything about Sam James Cowls, but as you're reading the instructions does he actually say 30 degrees higher than a typical Van's install in the same configuration or in a Sam's James baffle mount configuration? I would take there would be a little difference. :) Just Curious...
Well ...

... the reference is a little unclear in that regard. Sam's plenum instructions say the following, " ...The oil cooler should be behind #4 cylinder. If you place it on the firewall, the oil temperature will be 30 degrees hotter." From context, one has to assume the 30 degree issue (or not) are both referring to operation with a SJ plenum.
The low profile of the SJ plenum forces the location of the cooler down so it's straight behind cyl#4. It makes no sense to me that moving it to the firewall -assuming proper ducting and flow, of course - would raise oil temps. MANY guys have the cooler firewall mounted with no problems whatsoever. I tend to think Sam's experience on this was with a poor firewall installation (i.e.insufficient airflow) ... perhaps an experience with too many variables.
Cooler Location - Confirmation

This thread is a little old, but directly applies, so here goes - -

I have the SJ Cowl, IO360, no jets and standard (small)oil cooler. And- I have a 7. The instructions all say mount as high as possible. Here are some pictures of what my interpretation is of HIGH :).

Notes on the first picture show where the edge of the cowl will be, where the lower cooler fins are in relation to the head, and where the lower right cooler bolt plate-nut will be located.

The second picture shows clearance from mount, and with a cut out it should allow two full length bolts and clearance on the right side.

The trimmed bezel could be reinforced, comments invited. What do you think? Space back, OK, other?


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I'm moving on with this cooler position . .

Well, since no one found anything wrong with my pictures and cooler placement above, I am moving on. Shame on you , though, you missed that the reinforcing bezel was on upside down!

Really, I don't have much choice for the location except the firewall. The baffles will be reinforced per Paul Dyes et. al. collective recommendations. And a custom "Bill Lane" Plenum will replace the ill fitting SJ plenum. Piccolo tubes will be installed to measure pressure recovery and published in the future - 9 months or so.
JUst saw this thread ...

It's amazing you can get the oil cooler that high. With my SJ plenum, it's mounted much lower than you show. Must be that custom Lane Plenum (or is that Plenum by Lane?) offers the additional height.
The low position was a concern for me "back in the day", but concerns proved for naught. I have WAY more oil cooling than I need. This past winter my 90% block-off plate still prevented oil temps above 160F anytime OATs were under 25F. Next winter it will be a full block off.

Cooler mounting

I looked at this for a while and ended up putting mine on the engine mount behind the baffels. Located quite a bit lower. So far, having trouble getting oil temperature high enough.