Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
The cowl for the -4 is supposed to be for 0320 0r 360. My wide deck Superior 0360 really fits tight at at the rocker covers. However, it gets worse.
The cheeks are not symmetrical and require extreme force to get it to conform at the firewall/top longeron intersection on one side only, while the front of the cowl is level and conforms nicely to the spinner back-plate.
Sam says you can use a heat gun to get some compliance at the firewall. longeron junction, but that exacerbates the rocker cover interference.
1- Don't be bashful with the heat, just make it happen ??
2- Start cutting and splicing to make things fit ?
3- Just buy another cowl, maybe F4 carbon or ?
4-What else can you think of ???
Ross used some old cylinders & covers I have laying around when he was developing his line of SDS valve covers. We found that the Superior valve covers were slightly deeper & corner shapes not as rounded as compared to other Lycoming covers due to the rocker shaft bosses shape being a different shape. Unfortunately trying to use Lycoming covers won?t work on your engine for this reason.
I think the cut & splice or cut out & fashion new cheeks may be the option I would pick, to create at least 1/2? clearance all around. Never had any luck when trying to warp things to fit.
A heat gun can work sometimes and be very careful not to burn the composite. I would just cut and re-glass as needed. It really is not that difficult to do.
I'd cut off the outer portion of the cheeks, reposition them outboard, and re-glass. DanH could do it in an afternoon. It'd take me a month of evenings.
Thanks guys 🤙

I had drawn the cut and conform conclusion while awaiting your input. Just fyi for others, the heat gun casused a clear delamination of glass/ resin evidenced by silver appearance of glass fiber. So, plastic surgery next, no on..thanks !
I had to cut mine to pieces. I should have pics of what i did on my photo albums. I also had to make new cheeks because the profiles did not match the cowl.
Thanks AX-O

I dont even have cheek extentions cause many posts implied they dont fit anyway. I am thinking the best way to form the lip inder the cowl is to mold the cone to match the cowl with wooded former under the rear edge, then bond a strip of glass or carbon to hold the skybolts. I know Randy L. used al strip, but I think glass to glass bonding will be better for me.
Comments welcome.