
Well Known Member
A friend from work and I flew up to Oswego, NY last week to go Salmon fishing. Just an overnighter, made possible by the RV's speed. I did a little web log on the trip. Enjoy

Thanks for sharing

Appreciate the report. My trip from Memphis to DC was canceled due to bad weather. :( At least I can read about someone else's fun. :)
Appreciate the report. My trip from Memphis to DC was canceled due to bad weather. :( At least I can read about someone else's fun. :)

And there's more coming, Jerry.

It's been raining here for 36 hours and so far our rain gauge has recorded 7". Radar shows the front creeping east but it is not out of here yet. Both roads to civilization are flooded so we are home bound until the Cuivre River retreats back into its normal banks. The river should chest sometime this afternoon.

I flew down to Lebanon MO last Monday to meet an RV friend from Joplin for lunch. That was last decent day to fly around here. I don't know how long it will take for our sod runway to go firm again. I do know the grass is growing an inch an hour and its my turn to the Kobuta will fired up ASAP when this system is out of here.

Life in the boonies.....:)