Dos Lobos

I'm New Here
I would like to thank Jesse Saint of Saint Aviation in making my latest purchase of an RV7 a very positive experience. Not only did Jesse make the purchase a breeze but also greatly helped me in deciding how to reconfigure the panel to my liking and most importantly my budget. I am very pleased with the avionics work he did for me and the countless times he spent answering all my questions. What most stood out about the entire experience though was on a bright sunny morning as I was getting ready to leave his shop in Florida and make my long cross country flight back to South Dakota in my new RV7, I had pondered the idea of how nice ADS-B would be to have in order to see other traffic around me at all times. Jesse suggested a NavWorx set up that would allow me to track all traffic on my iPad (WingX) and at a VERY affordable price. I jokingly asked if he could have it installed and out the door by noon, knowing full well that as busy as his shop was, it wasn't something that was going to happen within a couple hours of my planned departure...nor would I expect him to have the new equipment on hand. Well darn if I wasn't stunned when he said he could have it installed by noon. His crew dove right into it and by noon I was in the air en-route back to South Dakota with a fully 2020 compliant plane. What a great feeling seeing the traffic around me as well. My hat is off to Jesse and his crew. I will be racking up more cross country hours taking my RV back to Saint Aviation for future avionics work. And one last comment.... Jesse also had very nice lodging accommodations for me at no cost. I could write an entire positive review on that as well but will end for now.
New Plane and New Panel

Hi Rick,

Congrats on getting a RV7 and the new panel. And welcome to VAF.

I just sent you a PM.

Another two thumbs up for Jesse and his team!

a Sandia x-ponder and NavWorx install with a challenging setup.

Not to mention his and his family's wonderful hospitality.
+1 for saint aviation

Jesse did my rv7 prebuy After 1 year i am very happy and all vent well doing all corrections a i was suggested

Thank you Jesse