
I'm New Here
Guys I have looked at the threads and like some of the ideals for survival vest and gear. Do any of you have any pictures of your gear and what you wear vs. what you bag and carry? So far my gear consist of a PT1911 for a just in case....:)

Fly fishing vest from REI.

Worn on solo flights away from DFW area.

I don't have a nice annotated picture like Doug posted, but I have a similar (fly fishing) vest for single plane boonies trips. Here's my stuff:

Com radio
ACR 406mhz beacon
athletic tape (for bandaging)
blaze orange thin plastic poncho
cell phone

Seems like there is more, but I can't recall just now.
check the link

With a lot of backcountry flying here in utah most people have a survival vest for the longer trips, generally it is some form of fishing vest with similar equipment as mentioned above, the SPOT is very popular particularly with the "I have arrived safely" function when there is no cell signal. Look here for some ideas, the site is run by Rob Hunter one of the members of the local backcountry pilots assoc.
Like the not shown part!

Good vest. I just purchased a Springfield M6 22LR/.410 to take on trips as well. It and a Kelteck P3AT with an extra mag probably weigh about the same as the .44 Magnum.

Now all we need is instant water, but what would you add?
I have a fanny pack with a portable GPS, screwdriver, 6" needle nose vicegrips, leatherman, a big red 4 tip screwdriver that doubles as a canopy breaker, matches, 2 AA batteries for the GPS, zip ties, pen, business cards for a bread crumb trail, and a sharpie for signing autographs at airshows. :) I always carry a couple water bottles and some GORP on long X/C trips.

Most of my stuff is more about surviving in flight than on the ground. A vice grip is one of the most useful tools you can have in an airplane. clamp it on a broken anything and you have a knob or a lever. you can fix a fuel selector, rudder cable, i could grap the mixture or throttle cable below the quadrant if need be.

I know a guy who broke the gear handle on a P-51, grabbed his vice grip and put the gear down. He had it gold plated and put it on his office wall.

I should probably make an "on the ground survival pack" as well.

Doug Rozendaal
I get a kick out of peoples survival gear. We all have ideas about what is necessary or just nice to have.

I don't have a lot of XC time, so haven't put together a full blown survival package yet. But when I do go far, I carry:

Mesh vest
heavy Plastic poncho/bag
Icom A6
Buck Supertool
electrical tape

Remember if it ain't attached to you, you won't get out of a wreck with it.

Some day may add a PLB. Can't think of much more needed. With the exception of water, you should be able to survive for 3-5 days with the above.....yes even in the wilderness.